Chapter 1

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"Nellie!" My grandmother engulfed me into a hug the moment I stepped through the threshold of her house, and I hugged back instantly.

"Grams! It's nice to see you again," I laughed out, hugging her lightly.

"Nel, other people want to give her hugs too, y'know." I heard the rough, joking voice of my brother, but I rolled my eyes and moved out of the way so Michael could hug her as well.

"Michael, you have grown into such a handsome young man. Très beau." The french she spoke rolled easily off her tongue, and I just shifted on my feet. Sadly, even though french was in my blood, I couldn't speak it to save my life. Or understand it, for that matter.

"Thanks, Grams," Michael flashed her one of his award winning smiles as he released her, and she smiled back. Michael could get anyone to smile if he actually tried, that was why he was always everyone's favorite. It was like he had his life all planned out for him.

Me and Michael decided to move from the state of Illinois, to France. It was a big move, but Grams needed us right now, especially after Pops passed away. We were all she had. Ana was very against me moving, but after I agreed on skyping her every night, she kind of loosened up and told me 'not to eat snails', which made me laugh. God, I loved Ana. She was my best friend. My partner in crime. I sure would miss her creeping through my bedroom window in the middle of the night to tell me about her day.

"Let me show you guys to your room," Grams was already leading us through the small house, ushering us both down an equally small hallway and towards our rooms, I was assuming.

Me and my brother got rooms right across from each other, which was good, I guess. His room seemed bigger than mine, but I was perfectly fine with that, because I didn't need much space to begin with. Just enough room to set my laptop on the desk, which I had one, luckily, and a lamp. I had that, too. My closet was a decent size, however, and my clothes would definitely fit.

The walls were white. The bed was white. The sheets were white. Everything eas white, except the brown wood floor and brown wooden desk. Remind me not to eat in this room, ever.

An hour went by, and it was seven. Grams told me and Mike that dinner would be ready in half an hour, and I was already on skype with Ana.

"I can't believe you left me here with these idiots," Ana scowled at me through the computer, and I sheepishly grinned.

"I'm sorry, Ana. But this isn't permanent. I just need to be with Grams right now."

"I know, Nel. Don't sweat it." I could see and hear her laugh. "Do you remember Dylan?"

"Ew, gross," I wanted to gag. "Michael's best friend?"

"Yeah, that one." She simply beamed. "He asked me out."

My eyes were wide. It's not that I was disgusted, okay, maybe I was. But that's only because I grew up with him, he was like another brother to me. Him and my brother were the same age. 25. Me and Ana were both 22.

"Woah." I mumbled, and Ana's face started to shift to one of disappointment, so I spoke fast. "I'm happy for you. I am. It's just a bit of a surprise."

That seemed to please her enough.

"He asked me on a date tonight." She laughed, her grin causing her green eyes to sparkle. "But he's no Harry Styles."

My eyes rolled at her and I snorted, "Nobody will ever be as great as Harry Styles."

"Speaking of Harry Styles," All joking had been wiped off her features, and she leaned closer to the computer screen. "Did you know he's in France right now, filming a movie? And his hair is short as fuck, God, 2013 Harry is among us once again."

My eyes got even wider than they did when she told me she was dating Dylan, and if I was drinking my water at that moment my computer would no longer be functioning. I sputtered. "What? How do you know this?"

"He got papped in France like an hour ago, sporting a hat, and his hair was shorter than ever. You are so fucking lucky, Nel, send me a photo and autograph." She teased, trying to give off the vibe that she was joking, but it was obvious that she was serious. She would kill to meet Harry Styles, and it was scary at times.

"I doubt I'll actually meet him, Ana." That was true, it was a one in a million chance.

She shrugged, and we went on to talk about her date. Before I knew it Michael leaned his head into the room and called that dinner was ready. We signed off of Skype, and I shut my laptop.


"So how was your flight, petits-enfants." Grams asked us as we sat at the dining room table; Me next to Michael and Grams across from us.

"It was okay," Michael admitted for the both of us, his knife cutting into his Tarte tatin. It was like an apple pie, and let me tell you, it was amazing. It was the best desert I had in a long, long time. "Nellie though she was gonna die when the plane took off."

I scoffed, those words catching my attention as I shoveled some of the sweet desert past my lips. "Bite me, brother."

"Sorry, I don't want to satisfy your weird kinks."

Grams gasped and her eyes widened. "Michael!"

I was too busy holding in my laughter and playfully kicking Michael's leg, and he happily returned it. I couldn't wish for a better brother.

The rest of the evening went as dinner did, us eating and chatting, talking about the travel even more.

Then I went to bed. Not much to it. I just laid my head against the pillow at 9:00, and I was out like a light.

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