Chapter 1

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Sequel to the foreseer. Hope you guys like it!

Slowly walking around the woods, I make sure to be aware of my surroundings. Knowing some of my friends, they would try to prank me at any time. I turn the corner and see my older brother Jason leaning up against the tree.

"What are you doing out here Mary? You know dad doesn't like you this close to the border." I groan in frustration. Dad is so overprotective and I understand, but this is getting ridiculous. He never lets me go adventuring, even if my friends are with me. I look at Jason and he is glaring at me with his green eyes. He obviously didn't want to come and find me. Me just standing here obviously isn't helping his mood as his eyes darken slightly. He runs his hands through his black, disheveled hair and sighs.

I swear he can be so mature sometimes. Although, everyone expects him to be. Our father is the alpha, which makes him the alpha to be. He is always going to the alpha training camps and anything else that helps him to become an alpha every chance he gets. I, on the other hand, stay at home. Mom teaches me a few things on the foreseer magic stuff. It is pretty cool. Sometimes I use it on my friends to get back at them. I always get in trouble though because mom always says to only use it when you are in trouble.

"Come on. Let's head home. Dad is waiting for us." I begin to walk back and he groans very dramatically. "We are not walking. You take forever. Now shift and come on."

He shifts into his brown wolf and I just had to laugh. Dad is more of a chocolate brown wolf, but Jason is like a poopy brown. He looks back at me and I could tell he was annoyed, so I finally decided to shift into my arctic fox. Yeah, I know. It's not a wolf. For some reason, with me being the foreseer and part werewolf, I shift into an arctic fox. I love it though with my long puffy tail and bright blue eyes. I take off through the trees, Jason right on my heel. This is another reason I love being a fox so much. I am faster than Jason.

I am almost to the house when dad stepped out on the porch. Shoot! I almost got into the house unnoticed. He stands there with a very stern look pointed towards me. Shifting, I go up to him and stand a few feet away.

"Hey dad."

"Mary." I knew he was mad at me. Honestly I hadn't realized I was that close to the border, but saying that may make things worse. He may think I am even more irresponsible than what he already thinks. "What were you doing so close to the border."

"Sorry dad. It won't happen again."

"You're right. It won't. If it does happen again, you will have a guard assigned to watch over you."

I nod and he lets me pass by. Walking into the kitchen, I see my mom standing there. She had an apron on and was making some homemade pizza. I'm surprised the kitchen isn't a mess, because usually dad comes in and they have a full on war. I swear, they are just like teenagers when it comes to certain things. It's kind of cute though knowing that someday I will hopefully have a mate like that.

"Your father was very worried."

"And you weren't?"

"I was, but I also understand. I was a lot like you when I was younger. Your father did not want me going anywhere either. He even tried guarding me and keeping me in his room when we first met. That didn't go over well with me though."

"When did it ever?" I turn around to find dad standing there looking at my mom with such love. It made me happy that they were happy. They are like goals, even though sometimes it can get kind of gross.

"Tanner! We were having a mother daughter time, now shoo."

He chuckles, putting his hands up in surrender and walking away. I turn back to mom and see her staring at me in a loving manner.


"I just can't wait for you to find your mate! I know Jason already found his and everything, but it is so much different from a girl's point of view. Plus, I want some grandbabies and I have a feeling Jason and his mate won't be having any anytime soon." I chuckle at this. I know they won't. She is pissed at him. I can't blame her though. Even though he was mature, he was still a major player and slept around with a bunch of girls.

"Mom, is that the only reason you want me to find my mate? So I can get pregnant have have a grandchild for you?"

"No! I also want to see how your father will react to the whole mate thing. You're his little girl and no matter how big you get, he is still going to think of you like that."

I roll my eyes and leave the kitchen. "I love you," I hear her holler after me.

"Love you too mom."

Walking out, I head for the door. Before I got there though, dad was standing there in front of me.

"Mary, I don't want you out adventuring anymore today."

"I'm just going for a walk. I won't go far. I promise. I think I am going to head over to Jane's house."

"Fine." He steps aside and I run out the door, walking towards Jane's house. She is my best friend and has been since we were little. I knock on her door and she opens it almost instantly.



I just kind of stand there awkwardly until she starts laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I honestly don't know. So, you wanna come in? My brother is home so we can terrorize him."

I nod my head and walk in. Just as I stepped into the living room, her brother, Bryan, walks down the stairs. He sees me and instantly stops.

"Ugh! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know you love me."

"You filled my hat with whipped cream along with a bunch of other things." I laughed. That was such a good prank. "It wasn't funny!"

"Bryan, yes it was." Jane pipes in. He groans and just goes back upstairs. Jane practically drags me into their living room and plops down on the couch.

"I got a few new movies. Want to watch?"

"Um... Jane... can we do that some other time? I'm just not in the movie mood right now."

"Yeah. Sure. What do you want to do?"

I just shrug and let her decide. Anything but a movie though. All she has been watching is romance movies here recently and I can only take so much of those.

"Do you want to go out for a run?"

I jump up at this. Usually I am the one trying to get her to run with me.

"That sounds fun."

She nods and goes to get Bryan. She isn't allowed to go out on a run without him. Her father, the beta, is very strict about us going out on a run alone. Bryan comes down the stairs with Jane following him. He looked really annoyed that he had to come with us, but I also know that he knows he can't let us go out alone. He would get in major trouble.

"Come on losers. Let's run."

We go out and run around the territory for a while until my dad called me back to our house. I knew I wasn't in trouble this time. It was just getting late. I headed home after that and took a shower, heading straight to bed.

Author's Note

So, what do you guys think? Do you like it so far? What do you think is going to happen? Also, I am not very good at covers, so if you have any ideas, please contact me. Thank you so much for reading. Please vote, comment, and share.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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