"Time to lunch!" ujar seseorang di pintu studio.
"Vanessa?" kami semua berseru.
"Hi! I come in here for this." Vanessa menunjukkan bawaannya.
"Pizza!" seru Niall.
"I know you can't cook because you're too busy in this studio. C'mon!" ajak Vanessa.
Kami semua keluar dari studio dan makan di ruang tengah. Baiklah, mungkin aku harus terbiasa tidak makan nasi di sini.
Kami bersenda gurau bersama. Pengalaman ini tak akan kulupakan. Ya walaupun mungkin mereka tidak akan mengingatku.
"So, Fandra, you have bestfriend named Vanya?" tanya Niall sibuk dengan ponsel dan makanannya.
Aku baru mengingat jika aku belum menghubungi gadis itu sejak aku tiba kemarin.
"Shit! I forgot something." kataku.
"Excuse me." aku mohon permisi untuk ke kamarku.
"I'll answer your question after this." kataku kepada Niall yang terlihat masih melihat ke arah ponselnya.
Aku mulai melangkahkan kakiku.
Suara Niall.
Aku tersenyum sendiri karena ternyata Niall mendengarkanku.
Sesampainya di kamar, aku mencari ponselku yang sudah bersuara. Panggilan video ternyata. Tertera nama Vanya. Rupanya dia yang menghubungiku pertama.
"Hi, Vanya!" seruku duduk di pinggir kasur.
"You're bad bestfriend, Fandra!" Vanya terlihat amat kesal.
"I'm sorry. I remember when Niall mention your name."
"What? Niall? He know me exist?"
"Mungkin. Dia menanyakan apakah kau sahabatku, tapi aku belum menjawab pertanyaannya karena aku langsung teringat aku belum menghubungiku."
"Katakan padanya aku sahabatmu." Vanya memohon.
"Of course I will."
"Where did you stay?"
"A big house, I think this is a castle. Too big for eight people."
"Nice room. Wish I can be there with you, Fandra." raut wajahnya berubah.
"Are you finish, Fandra?"
Aku menengok dan mendapati Liam.
"Give me a minute."
"Ok." Liam berlalu.
"Who's that, Fandra? Tell me this is real! I just saw Liam!"
"Yeah, that's Liam."
"Thank god."
"If that's Harry, I will die for awhile."
Aku berjalan keluar dari kamarku. Yang mana membuat Vanya panik.
"Fandra! Are you kidding me? I don't wanna die in my young age." teriaknya.
"C'mon Fandra!" ajak Harry yang sudah beranjak menuju studio.
"Vanya? Are you still there?"
Ternyata sambungannya sudah putus. Aku terkikik sendiri.
"What's wrong?" tanya Harry.
"My friend just in calling with me. And she heard your voice. It kills her." kataku tertawa.
"What's her name?" tanya Harry.
"Vanya. She's my youtube partner and my bestfriend too."
"So, that's the answer?" tanya Niall yang berad di belakangku dan Harry.
"Yeah." kataku mengangguk.
Kami, maksudku aku, Niall, dan Harry kembali ke studio dan mulai mengerjakan laguku.
"How about this?" tanya Sierra dengan iPad di tangannya.
"Play it." ujar Julian.
"Sounds still in our genre. Wanna hear something different?" tanya Sierra.
Aku mendengar sedikit aliran musik elektronik dan band dijadikan satu. Masih menonjolkan suara piano.
"I like her style. We have to show something different. Isn't it?" tanya Liam.
"I just finish it until here. If you love it, I'll continue." ujar Sierra.
"You have to add this in there." ujar Roni sedang memainkan jarinya di tuts piano.
"Great!" seru Louis.
"How? Fandra, would you like it?" tanya Liam.
"Oh, I'd love too."
"Finish it and we can record it in studio." kata Jualian.
"We're not record it in here?" tanya Lisa.
"No, this studio just for discuss and make it. Not for recording. We need more for recording." jelas Julian.
"So, for next two days, we focus for next songs. Each of us, have one song. And we have to discuss the music when it's already done." jelas Julian.
"And for the boys, you have the time for rehearsal all of this song before we record it. We have to go to studio tomorrow. Sierra, you can explore the electronic musik in the studio." sambung Julian.
"Ok!" seru kami.
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Someday, a youtuber girl meet with her idol because she won the competition. She will escape her 30 days with her idol and the other winners. What will happen? Let's see her day! Written in Bahasa.