Chapter 1: The Drevis Family

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Chapter 1

North America

Drevis Residence. . .

I am Aya Drevis. And my sister, Terra Drevis. Me and my family live in a huge mansion. However, me and Terra feel uneasy when we go to father's lab downstairs. We haven't told mother that we knew what father was doing downstairs: Father's a scientist, he loves researching and experimenting and is always locked up in his lab in the basement. Terra and I share the same feeling about the uneasiness.

We went downstairs to father's lab. "Father? Are you in there?" I asked. Then father came out of the lab, wearing a mask and lab coat. His coat was stained with blood. Me and Terra pretended we didn't see anything. "Aya! Terra! How many times do I have to tell you not to come down here?" father asked. We knew he would say that but, this bad feeling me and Terra have is keeping us from sleeping all night.

"We can't sleep. We're scared of our room. . ." said Terra. Father's face lightened a bit. He wasn't so angry about us being here now. He knelt down and said, "Don't be. Your late mother is always looking after you from heaven. Now please, go back to bed. I'll be resting shortly." said father.

"Father tomorrow's. . ." I said. "Yes, it's her death anniversary. We'll visit her grave tomorrow."

"Okay." we both said. Then father went back in the lab. After a few steps back, we heard them again. . .

"S-Stop!" "No! Please stop!" "No. . . WAAAAHHH!!!" "Help me! Help! MAMA!!!" we heard them again. We looked at each other and shared the same look: scared and terrified. We stood there for a while, holding hands. Terra closed her eyes to feel at ease. I did the same.

Every time we go to father's lab, we've always heard animal and human screams. This time it was a human, a child. Terra and I continued to pretend that we didn't see nor hear anything.

We feigned ignorance the whole time. Because we love father.

That was one secret of father that we know however, that's not the only secret we know.

Whenever mom, Terra, and I weren't around, he and his helper. . .

"A fine sample." says father.

"I shall dispose of the remaining materials myself." says his helper, Maria.

"That can wait. Come Maria."

"Doctor. . ."

They hugged each other. . .

"They're aware of our. . . relationship." says Maria.

"Hmm? What does it matter?"

"I don't think they're very fond of me. That is the problem."

"My daughters are turning 11 soon. It's a troublesome age to be sure."

"Please make sure they're never harmed. Both of them are my most precious. . ."

We didn't hear anything else after that. His voice has gone soft. We went back to our room. Terra and I have separate beds. We lied down on our own and tried to sleep.

"I still can't sleep." said Terra. "Me too." I agreed.

"I can never sleep when I think about mom." I said. "Me too." Terra agreed. Terra stood up from lying on her bed. "Oh?" said Terra.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's our doll that we got from father. It's so old and worn."

"Ah yeah. That takes me back."

"I still remember when father gave it to us. Do you?"

"Of course I do."

"For you Aya and Terra. I hope you like it." said father.

"Yay! It's a doll!" I said.

"It's so pretty!" said Terra.

"(Almost looks like it's real!)" I thought.

Me and Terra always play with this doll with mom in the garden. We always have so much fun and joy. All the happiness we had then. . . faded when mom passed away from illness.

Terra picked up a portrait of mom on the bedside table. "Mom. . . Why did you have to go?" seems like Terra's talking to herself again. I know exactly how she feels. I feel the same way too. Reminds me of the time when Terra and I played with father outside the house. . .

Terra and I are playing tag around the field while father is doing something with the flowers he just picked. I couldn't look at it cause I might get caught by Terra (remember we're playing tag). I got tired of running and paused to rest. Terra tapped my back, "You're it!" said Terra.

Father called out to us, "Aya! Terra! Come here! I have something to give you!" we ran and sat down near father. He put a flower crown on each of our head. I have a daisy flower crown while Terra has a rose crown. "Wow! It's so pretty!" I said. "Cool! Thank you father!" said Terra. "You're welcome, the both you." father said with a smile. Terra and I looked at our hand-made flower crowns. It so beautiful! It must've been hard to make. "I'm sorry I can't always play with you two." said father.

"Father. . ." I said. "Don't worry about it father! We know you've been busy with work." said Terra.

"Right! Mom reads us great stories from our collection of books!"

Father smiled gently. We don't want to worry father so we said that. It's true anyway.

"Oh my! So you three were playing?" mom asked as she walk to us.

Me and Terra ran to show mother the flower crowns.

"Mom! Look, look! Father made us a flower crown!" said Aya with a cheerful smile.

"Does it look good on us?" asked Terra.

"Yes of course! You both look so pretty! Right dear?" said mom.

"Of course! I was the one who made those flower crowns. Hahaha!" said father.

Mom coughed for a couple of times. "Mom! Are you alright?" asked Terra.

"I'm alright don't worry. Just another fit." said mom. That wasn't reassuring at all. She's been ill since a long time ago. Of course she's not fine. Just makes the three of us worry.

"Don't push youself if you're not feeling well! Get some medicine from Maria." father suggested.

"No, no I can get that myself." mom insisted.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Sorry to make you worry, Terra and Aya. Keep on smiling! Your smile keeps me best of all. If I can't see you smiling, it would just make me worry."

Terra and I nodded with cheerful smiles, "Right!"

At that moment I thought I saw a flash of the light going out for a second. Terra noticed it too.

"The room got cold all of the sudden. . ." said Terra. She's right. It's kinda cold. The window and door are shut. How come? "I'm getting kinda scared. We should go to sleep." I said. "Alright. Me too." Terra answered.

Said good night to each other then went to sleep. . .

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