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As @avery3535 has fabulously told us, the answer to the last question (and every other question for that matter **you rock**) was... Bibles. Bright pink Bibles that Will Junior's grandad wasn't too happy to see, was he?😂 Aaaaaand here's Chapter 10!!

Back In The Family Room
Wowee, apologizing is hard. The minute I walked in Missy's room Gypsy was crying and already had a flowery teddy bear to my head. I caught it, but it still hurt. First Rocket, then Missy, now Gypsy, the two-year-old, was angry with me. But I eventually got it out.

At first, Missy wouldn't even look at me, and Gypsy kept spitting out 'Fishy, fishy, fishy' but because she's so little it sounded more like 'Fithy, fithy, fithy.'

In a while she quit and they both forgave me. And then, finally, Missy explained why she attacked me this morning.

"I was fixing on to giving you your present early," she said, "I figure now I probably should've just GIVEN it to you. Gypsy, can you get the watch, please?"

Then Gyps got all smiley and went to the trash can surprisingly enough and pulled out Poppa's watch. She handed it to Missy and she started to put it on my right hand. I pulled away.

"Why was it in the trash?!"

"Gypsy threw it out... Oh, don't be a baby, we can't wash it; it'll break."

She clasped the watch on. I'm still wearing it and I know I smell something.

Anyway, Missy told me it was Gypsy's idea. She wanted me to remember the precise moment I got my savvy, and Gyps thought of Poppa's watch. We're all alright now.

Momma's back by the way. She went out early to get ingredients for my cake. She didn't come back with Rocket.

I know what you're thinking. Rocket's note. I ripped it out and threw it into his room where I knew he would see it. I thought he left with Momma, but I guess she walked. Which means Rocket took the car somewhere. (See, the car only works with Rocket in it. Poppa won't let us "waste money" on gas.)

That note means nothing. "You won't be alone." And now he's disappeared. But I won't let that bother me. There's cake to be had.

And cake on my face thanks to Gypsy just now! Gotta go; party time.


We're getting awfully close to the end...
The picture at the top is how I picture Mississippi 'cause she's got Momma's sandy hair and Papa's sort of green eyes. And sorry, because this–what–the third time I'm publishing this part today? I just really want to get these picture in before the end the book. Speaking of the end of the book, meet me back here next Wednesday for Chapter 11😁

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Date Published: 17.1.18

Comment Trivia Question: What were the first two things that Mibs "woke up" on her birthday morning?

Comment Question: Party's about to begin! What's gonna happen next, I wonder?

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