Valentine Vandal [Kangin x Heechul]

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It was Valentine’s Day. Heechul was bored which was ironic since his day had actually been eventful. The moment he arrived at school, he instantly got some people to confess to him early in the morning before classes, during break time and even on dismissal time. There were even people who used the school’s intercom and radio station to confess to him and play love songs for him. People who he knows and don’t know would ask him for a date.

He opened his school locker which was flooded with love letters, roses, chocolates, sweets and other valentine stuff. He has no idea how a large stuffed teddy bear holding a heart was able to fit inside his small locker. But despite all this, he was still lonely and bored. He was sitting on the bench at the park, observing the loving couples. He could have been dating if he allowed himself to go on a date with one of the people asking him out.

Heechul decided to go home when dusk started to settle in. He was on his way home when he noticed a person vandalizing on a bricked wall. Valentine’s Day Sucks!!!  “Do you hate Valentine’s Day that much?” He chuckled at the way the person’s shoulder jerked from being startled.

“Yeah, got a problem with that?” The person glared at Heechul. He seem to be ready to get into an argument or into a fistfight.

“No. I’m not pretty much into Valentine’s Day but I don’t exactly hate it.”

“You’re probably single.” The person said as he moved on to a new wall and started vandalizing again. “From the way you look, you’re probably popular but not interested in anybody. Therefore, remained single. You’re not into Valentine’s Day because you’re pretty much used to getting love letters and gifts and being confessed to. You don’t hate Valentine’s Day because it’s just like any other normal day for you.”

Heechul was pretty much amazed at the person’s insight. “You got everything right. So what about you? Care to tell me why you hate Valentine’s Day? Or can I assume that you got rejected?”

The person’s hand paused for a while before continuing to vandalize again. “People always think that Valentine’s Day is all about love and couples. They don’t think about the other thing that is called rejection. They don’t think about how many people out there get their hearts broken on Valentine’s Day because they’re too caught up with the love and romantic concept.”

“So did you get rejected?”

“Shut up.”

“Hey, you two!!! What are you doing?!?!?!”

Heechul and the other person looked at the owner of the voice. They saw some street officers heading towards them with chain cuffs waving in the air. “Shit.” The person muttered out a curse before grabbing Heechul’s wrist and ran away. There were a lot of twists and turns before they finally lost the street officers.

Heechul never ran so much in his entire life before. He felt like a runaway criminal even though he didn’t do anything bad. But even if all he did was simply standing, he knew that the street officers would still put him to jail or ask him to pay a fine because there were no witnesses to prove his innocence so he decided to run as fast as he could with the guidance of the unknown person. When they finally stopped running, Heechul’s legs felt so tired that it was simply going to give up standing.

Heechul was close to fainting. He couldn’t breath properly and he felt himself falling. He never reached the ground though because he felt strong arms wrapped around him. “Are you okay? Shit, of course you’re not okay…hey, wake up!!!” A hand was patting Heechul’s cheek.

“I’m awake.” Heechul said as he breathed out. “Just…tired…” They stayed like that for a while. Heechul trying to regain his breath and energy while the unknown person had his arms around Heechul for support. “I think I’m fine now.” Heechul said as he tried to stand up.

Valentine Vandal [Kangin x Heechul]Where stories live. Discover now