Chapter 1

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Author's Note!
This is my third book that I'm actually giving a chance with.
I'm also writing this at the same time as another fanfic, Sky Template and the World of Gods.
If you stayed with me since the first book I wrote, Demon Falls, then you would know the main character. Sky Template, she's the main character in ALL of my books.

If you're confused and you have any questions about this book, comment down below!
Sorry if the characters are a bit OoF/Out of Character, but I'm doing the best I can!
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from any Avengers movie or comic, they all belong to Marvel. The only character I do own is Sky Template.
Ultron's form is the one in the media box, except he has light blue instead of red. And without the side horns.
Author Note END!!!

I wake up and crawl out from under my covers to see the sun shining through the curtains. The soft light blinds my non-adjusted eyes, used to darkness.
I blink a few times and dig my way under the covers once again. I think about what could happen each day that passes, the Avengers finding me and dad, but what would happen after that? Would they see that he's changed? That he doesn't care about his old plans? Or would the only see the horrid monster he used to be, another enemy to eliminate?
I shake my head, it is too early to think about these haunting thoughts.

In a few days I'll turn nine, and we will move house again, just as we do every three months. It's for security purposes, so the Avengers don't find us, and so that we don't become close with the possible natives. We always leave on my birthday. I don't mind it, we get to see new places. We can't go overseas, that costs money. Lots of money.

I walk over to the mirror and look at my reflection. Long black hair with a purple streak running down the side, purple eyes, slightly tanned skin and purple pyjamas. If you are wondering with what's with the purple, when dad found me, he Shifted into an old body and gave me his Shifting ability. That loss gave him human emotions and he turned blue instead of staying red.
The red means being able to Shift, and the blue means having human emotion, since I have both, I have purple eyes and a purple streak in my black hair. Ever since, purple has been my favourite colour.

I start to pick though my messy hair with my comb. After a few minutes I give up, and I walk over to my small wardrobe and look through the few, cheap clothes that I have. I have few a shirts and pants, and few sweaters and jackets hanging on the hooks, with not a single dress in sight. Not that I'm complaining, we only have the necessities we need, and I don't need that much.

After slipping into a simple dark purple shirt and black pants, I walk out of my bedroom to the stairs. As I walk down, I trail my hand against the timber banister. I walk into our kitchen and smile, dad's making an omelet for me.
"Hello sweetie," He says as he turns around to look at me. "I thought I heard you wake up. Did you have a good rest?"
"Yeah," I reply. "I did."
I look at the floor, eyes flickering back and forth, searching for the right words. Dad notices this and his face turns to worry.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"What will happen when the Avengers find us?" I ask with a few tears in my eyes. "It's a matter of when not if... What will they do to us?" My throat starts to close up and my vision gets blurry.
"When that happens... We run." He grasps my shoulders gently. "We run as fast as our legs will take us. If Iron Man comes, use his suit against him. Use their vehicles against them, do anything you can in self defence. But under no circumstances, ever attack first." I meet his eyes, and his search mine. "If we attack first, they won't see that I have changed, and it will give away our position."

I am the one searching his eyes this time.
"But will they see that you have changed?" I ask. "Will they even give you a chance?"

Ultron's daughter- an Avengers Age of Ultron fanficWhere stories live. Discover now