It was an April morning around 9:30, when Ricky started yelling that "Chris was finally coming" and that "we only had a few hours until he would be here." I knew that Chris meant a lot to Ricky.

For awhile it was just me and him, over countless of nights that all ended the same. Him getting shit face drunk, me bringing him over to my place, and him crying so hard he passed out.

When the night of his sister 18th birthday came. He didn't come to me for comfort, he sought comfort in a cold, silver, razor blade.

He stared at himself in the mirror, tear stained face, black make-up smudged around his eyes. He cut veridically up on the inside of his forearms, releasing the red liquid from his veins. Seeing so much blood escaping his body, I imagine, he panicked.

Rushing into his sisters room, seeking help by clasping on her bed, soaking the the sheets with the red stick substance.

When I got the call from Ricky's mother I rushed strait to the hospital, and up to his room.

That night was the first time, in along time, that I had cried. These tears were not the silent sniffles, that you see in movies. These were big heart renching sobs.

The sight of him lying there, on the sickening white hospital bed. His complexion almost matching the bed sheets, that engulfed his lanky body. His closed eyelids were a deep purple color from lack of sleep, and the dark circles under his no doubt from the same thing.

His usually pink lips, now chapped and blue. His forearms where had committed the act were now warped in white bandages.

His inky black hair, cascaded down into a knotted mess above his shoulders. They had taken out his three piercings, leaving his lips looking naked.

I stayed by his bedside till the early morning hours, when I needed some caffeine. As I made my way down to the cafeteria Ricky's mother called me, telling me he was awake and asking for me.

I had sprinted back up the stairs and, down the corridor. Stopping at his door, and when my red puffy green eyes met his bloodshot dull blue ones. I knew that I, Asia Rose Kennedy, was in love with Richard Allen Olsen .

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