"It Won't Work..."

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"I'll see her again no matter WHAT you say!" A brown tabby tom with piercing green eyes and a scarred, messed up jaw snarled. "Crookedstar! Your a leader! You can't be with her!" A cat with stars in his fur growled. "Your not alive anymore! You can't tell me how to live my life Shellheart!" Crookedstar replied angrily.

"Crookedstar..." Shellheart began. "Fine. Meet your lover. It won't work... You will never truly be with this she-cat." The StarClan tom mewed in disappointment, fading as Crookedstar woke up.

Crookedstar looked around his den with a loud sigh. Have I...failed my father? He shook his head and quickly groomed himself before running out into the waking camp. "Oakheart!" He called to a reddish-brown tom whom was flirting with another female warrior. Oakheart looked up at his leader, and brother. "What?" He called back in slight annoyance. "Take care of the clan for me. I'm taking a walk." Crookedstar replied steadily, walking out the camp entrance before he could protest. That tom has been taking a lot of walks this past few moons. Oakheart thought to himself as he watched his brother leave camp.

Crookedstar bounded swiftly towards the river, and, coming towards the clear, fresh water, saw the love of his life, Bluefur waiting for him. "Bluefur!" He mewed happily, jumping across the stepping stones and running to the bluish-gray she-cat. "Crookedstar...great to see you." She mewed with a purr, touching her muzzle to his.

"I...I have something to tell you... Crookedstar." Bluefur mewed after a moment's hesitation, pulling away and looking at a tree in the distance. "Wh-what sweetie? You can tell me anything." He replied, a trickle of fear going through him. " W-well..y..y-your going to be a f-father..." Bluefur stuttered quietly, moving her tail to reveal her bulging belly.

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