First Date

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"So where we going?" I asked as we got into his car. We were going on our date and Nathan was wearing a suit and tie. I wore an aqua shirt that flew out and I wore a white tank top under. I also had black skinny jeans with a cream colored ankle boots. I added an owl necklace and a bit of mascara but that was all.

"It's a surprise!" Nathan smiled.

"Awh! I don't like surprises! I never get to know what's gonna happen!" I chuckled.

"Aww don't worry. It'll be a good one!" He assured me with a smirk. But that just made me want to know the surprise even more!

I smirked and looked at Nathan.

"What if I kiss you here?" I asked as I kiss his jaw. He tensed and started to move a bit.


I then kissed down his jaw line to his neck.

"Can't crack me." He smiled, proudly of himself. I gave up and sat back in my seat. I pouted which made Nathan laugh.

"Oh Strawberry." He shoke his head as he chuckled.

"Oh Sloth." I smiled.

"A cute Sloth though." He smiled.

"Pssh! No!" I laughed.

"Your right." He sighed. That was until he smirked.

"I meant a Sexy Sloth!"

"Say what you want." I sighed putting my hand on the side of my head as my elbow rested on the window.

"Oh I will!" He smiled, sheepishly. I chuckled but as soon as I stopped laughing we have arrived at what looked like an expensive restaurant.

"Nath, you didn't have to bring me here." I looked at him once he stopped had stopped the car.

"Yes, but I wanted too." He finally looked at me.

"Lets go." He smiled but before I can open the door, Nathan had ran on my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"Thanks Nath." I smiled. He then returned by my side as he tangled our fingers together. It's like his hand fits perfectly in mine.

"Nathan Sykes." He spoke as we reached the entrance.

"Oh! Here you are. It seems to be that you have missed your reservation." The man spoke awkwardly. He had red hair with glasses. Well let's just say he barley had any hair.

"Umm... I specifically reserved a table at seven." He said as worried was written on his forehead.

"Mm no. You said five." The man spoke as he looked behind us.

"How may I help you?" He said looking at the people behind us. We moved aside and let the couple behind us move infront of us.

I led Nath outside as we sat on the bench.

"I-Im so sorry! I thought I had reserved a table at seven but I guess I was thinking about something else and I just wanted this date to be perfect since you finally gave me a chance and all I want you to do is have a good time and-" I cut him as I pressed my lips on his.

Wow. He really does care.

"Nath, it's fine! Really! Anyways Im having a good time! As long as Im here with you... That's all that matters." I assured him.

"Really? Your having a good time?" He asked.

"Yeah! Come on! Lets go." I stode up as I put out my hand for Nathan to take.

"Where we going?" He asked, clueless.

"It's a suprise!" I smiled. He took my hand and we started to walk in a different direction.

"So do you always do this?" He questions suddenly.

"Do what?"

"Have a back up plan if your date doesn't go as plan?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well no." I smiled.

"But I kinda figured that something was gonna go down..." I explained as Nathan turned red.

"But I knew anyway I was gonna have fun, tonight!" I finished as I squeezed Nathans hand.

"So where were going?" He asked again.

"Ahh, you'll see!" I smiled. We then entered Starbucks and stood in line.

"We're eating Starbucks?" He questioned, slowly.

"Erm... Yeah. But that's not all!" I smiled.

"Your full of suprises aren't you?" He questioned.

"I guess so!" I laughed.

"Hi, what would you like today?" A lady smiled.

"Erm... Can I have tea and..." I ordered but paused as I looked at Nathan so he can order.

"Can I have a tea as well." He smiled.

"Mm Hm! Anything else?" She asked politely.

"Mm..." I looked at Nathan.

"That'll be it." I smiled.

"That'll be $7.35." I was getting out the money from my back pocket but Nath beat me to it.

Can't I ever pay?

"No." He smiled.

"Because men have to pay. Its called being a gentlemen." He smiled, proudly at himself

Did I say that out loud?

"Yeah, you did say that out loud." Nathan summed up my answers as I turned a bright pink.

"Strawberry." He whispered in my ear as we waited for our drinks.

"Sloth." I whispered back.

"You mean a Sexy Sloth?" He corrected.

"No. I mean an ugly sloth." I smiled inocently and looked at the waitress who gestured me that our drinks are ready.

I walked back with our drinks as I saw Nathan still offended by what I had said.

"Oh Nath, come on." I said handing him his tea.

"I can't believe you just called me ugly." He gasped as I laughed. We exited the door and I headed to another direction.

"Nath, this way." He stood there, puzzled until he started to walk towards me.

"Where we going now?" He asks as we began to walk.

"To a bakery." I smiled.

"Why?" Nathan spoke, confused.

"To get cup cakes or whatever. 'Cause we're not just going to drink tea!" I pointed out.

"Well Im paying then." He declared as we entered the small building.

"But you paid for the tea! Now Im paying!" I defended.

"Say what you want."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means, 'Lets just grab whatever we can find and I'll pay!'" He smiled looking at some cup cakes.

"What! No-"

"To late, Im already grabbing stuff!" He smiled. I groaned and started to look at the the small room filled with sweets. We had entered in a Mexican bakery so there was a lot of stuff that was familiar to me.

"¿Todo está bien?" A lady talked to me in Spanish.

"¡Sí, Gracias!"

"What she say?" Nathan asked.

"She asked if everything was okay." I replied. Nathan nodded and tried to give my cheek a kiss but he missed since I moved.

"Aww!" He laughed.

"Can I get a kiss?" He questioned.

"Mm..." I thought about it.

"Sure!" I smiled as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"¿Es tu novio?" Asked the lady behind the counter.

"¡Si! Si es." I answered, smiling.

"Love, what she say?" Nathan questioned.

"If your my boyfriend." I smiled.

"What you answer?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I said yes." I kissed his cheek and started to pick out Mexican candy bread. Basically in Spanish, Pan de Dulce

"You ready?" He questioned.

"Mm... Yeah!" I sighed.
Nathan had finished paying (I would have payed but as I was talking to the lady, he slipped the money onto the counter, without me noticing) and we started to walk.

Well Nathan just followed. Haha!

"Come on." I smiled, grabing his hand as I led the way to the park that was nearing.

"You know surprisingly, our drinks are still warm." He spoke as we sat in the grass.

"Yeah." I sighed. We grabbed some napkins that we had stuffed in the bag that was filled with all type of bread.

"So what did you pick from the store?" I took a sip from my tea. I felt the warm, flavored tea go down my throat, giving me chills.

"Ugh... I picked the brownies, muffins, cup cakes, and the chocolate covered strawberrys. You?"

"I got the..."

"Bread that I have no idea what it is called." He finished for me. I knew he had never tasted this bread so I wanted to get it.

"Oi! I also got the... umm... Napkins!" I added.

"Okay!" He chuckled, sarcastically.

"So, what are these?" He asked, taking one in a napkin.

"Pan de dulce." I replied in Spanish.

"What?" He scrunched up his face in confusion. Cute, if I may say so myself!

"Oh, just try it! Its good, I promise!" I smiled, nodding. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What?! It's not like we put any food poisoing in it!" I exclaimed.

He took a bite as I waited for his reaction.

"This is delicious!" He smiled, taking another bite.

"Yeah, I know!" I smiled, proudly, sipping out of my warm beverage.

"Come on, let's go to the swings!" I said jumping up and down.


"Come on, lets go to the swings!" She grinned, jumping up and down. She grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the swings that were surrounded by the goldish color, wood chips.

"Push me?" She stuck her bottom lip out.

"Why not?" I ran behind her and grabbed the cold metal bars that connected to the piece of ruber.

After pushing her about three times I climbed onto the swing next to her, and started to swing my legs.

"I can go higher than you!" She yelled in excitement.

"I smell competition." I declared as I swung my legs back and forth.

"Okay, so you won that round." She smiled.

"Who can jump the farthest."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"You heard me! Jump!" She let go of the bars and landed on her feet. She started to lose her balance but regained it.

"Your crazy!" I yelled out, still swinging.

"Are you scared? Wuss?" She smirked.

"Oh hell no!" I jumped. The cold breeze hit me and it felt nice, if I may say so myself! I felt like I was flying for about four seconds. Sadly, that didn't last long...

I face planted on the ground.

Multiple wood chips going into my mouth. Eew!

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH! NATH! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Veronica ran towards me.

"Plaugh!" I spit the wood chips and dirt out of my mouth.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I said looking at her.

"Erm, Nath." She spoke, awkwardly.

"Yeh?" I replied. She took out her phone from her pocket and switched it to a camera. She faced the screen to me and I saw that I had two wood chips that were inside my nose.

"Oh." I turned around and took them out as I turned red.

"Oh my god! Im so embarrassed!" I said while putting my hands on my face to cover my blushing. Veronica on the other hand was laughing her arse out.

"Oh come on!" She laughed.

"Lets go to the slide!" She yelled, dragging me towards a pink tube.

She's like a little kid! With so much energy but cute at the same time!

"Together or seperate?" I asked, once we reached the top.

"Umm... Together!" She yelled. She slid her to legs, inside of the slide and sat. I slid my legs on the sides of her as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Well this fells wrong." She turned red.

"My little strawberry!" I whispered into her ear.

"Oh shut up, Sloth! Lets go!" She defended.

"Do you think we're gonna fit?" I questioned.

"Erm... We won't know unless we give it a try!" We started to slide down until we stopped.

"Well this is great! My tea is out there getting cold!" I wined.

"Your worried about your tea?" She questioned.

"Yes!" I answer, proudly.

My tea means everything to me! Not as much as Veronica but yeah.

"Love, why won't you just slid down and I'll stay here so when you get off the slide, I can slide down." I explained.

"KK!" She yelled as she pushed herself down.

When I slid down, I looked at her and asked,

"What next?"


A/N: Hope you like the chapter! Vote or comment!

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