Ch1: Partners with who!?

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Ariana's point of view

I'm walking through the halls of school and I'm shoved into the lockers. Sending my stuff to fly around me and people passing by kicking my books further from me and others step on my paper's and some ripping it to shreds.

I adjust my glasses from falling down my nose and pick up my book's, paper's, and the shredded paper's hoping to look for some tape to put it back together.

I decided that I'll just worry about it later and go to my first class. I shove my stuff in my locker and get my books for English class. I don't want to go.

Don't get me wrong but I love English class I just don't like who's in it.

Skip to English class

There's a few nerds and the most popular people in Hamilton high of course they go every where together.

1.Logan lerman

Logan lerman

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2.Victoria justice

Victoria justice

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3.Annasophia Robb

Annasophia Robb

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4.Taylor launter

Taylor launter

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5.Megan Fox

Megan Fox

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6. Sean Michael Leonard Anderson

Of course I get bullied because of them but I make the best of it

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Of course I get bullied because of them but I make the best of it.
I'm walking to the second row of seats and go to the left.

"Ok class today we will learn about blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." My English teacher Mr Brown says. But I'm not listening because I'm working on my songs.

So far I'm almost done with one of my songs. Yup done.

There's only one more minute then I can go to math clas-ring ring ring ring. Never mind.

I'm the first one out of the classroom.

Skip to music class

Ok ari this is your last favorite class. Music class.

"Ok class today we will be doing a project due next Monday I'll be giving you your partners and you'll be sitting next to your partners." My favorite music teacher Mrs.Moore explains.

Please don't be a person from the popular group please please please please please please please.

"Cristina with Taylor, Justin with Megan, Victoria with Michael, Mary with Logan, Annasophia with Christian and last but not least Sean with Ariana." My teacher says.

For a second there I thought I was partners with Sean. Wait a minute!? I am!

"Ok start trading seats class." My not-so-fav-teacher-right-now says.

"So what should we do for this project that is due next week?" Sean asked me. Wait he asked me!?

"Ummmm I actually wanted to perform a song." I say.

He looks surprised and says,"I didn't know you can sing? Can I hear you?"

"Ok umm" I start singing Daydreamin'.

"You walked in
Caught my attention
I've never seen
A man with so much dimension

It's the way you walk
The way you talk
The way you make me feel inside
It's in your smile
It's your eyes
I don't wanna for tonight

So I'm Daydreamin
With my chin in
the palm of my ha-"

I was cut off by the bell. I get up, pick up my stuff and go to my locker.

"Ariana that was amazing." Sean said as he followed me to my locker.

"Why didn't you show me that before." He says.

I responded saying,"Because then people like you wouldn't care at all. Why are you even talking to me aren't you supposed to be with your posse?"

"I would've cared if you sang in front of me. And why would you think of that I don't have to-" his expression changed.

"Oh god I forgot about that. Logan is going to kick my butt. Shoot I forgot thanks for reminding me." He says.

"Here's my number text me no call me. Ok bye!" And that's all he said before running off to I'm guessing where his posse is.

It all started with a song {Old Version}Where stories live. Discover now