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As Amber once again got a group at her secret hideout this time the group is playing 7 minutes of heaven. If you don't know Amber. She is a crazy nut job who kidnaps people from movies and books. Amber takes a hat and everyone closed their eyes as the boys then girls put one idiom in the hat. No one knows who put what in the hat. The characters she has now are from
Harry Potter (they look like they we in the sorcerer's stone but have the experiences of all the books and movies)
Sonic the hedgehog
Percy Jackson
Gods and goddesses
And my own characters (I will give a Simi description if you want to know what's their past cheek out some of my similar work)
Also a few special guest of fan girls 

Amber is psychotic, crazy, and is part witch. She has blood red and blonde hair like this.

 Here's the beginning of the story

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Here's the beginning of the story.

Amber walks around and stops right in front of a table with a bottle. The group circled around the huge table and the top landed on.........

I'm sorry it's short I will take character request if you put their name and where they come from I will try my best to include them. I work around clock sometimes so watch out. I got inspired to write this after I read a few of them my self. I will also include superheroes later but you gotta start slow. This is my first time so I would like if you tell me your thoughts and helpful advice if you have it. Comment and request thanks! 😎😃

7 minutes in heaven various characters and shippings Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora