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Everything was perfect before it all happened. Sure we're not rich or anything but we have what we need. But that's how all stories start isn't it? You have it all. Then you have nothing.

It's kinda depressing isn't it? To go from having everything good to suddenly, you have nothing and have to be the adult in your family because the adults don't know how to be one.

Then you realize, "I'm too young for this. I'm not responsible enough."

Then maybe something happens at school and you think you won't make it through the hole you're living in.

When one thing happens to change it all and you suddenly have to grow up within 5 seconds, and suddenly you realize you don't know as much as you thought you did.

And it seems as if it won't get better.

Sure when people somehow find out or assume something, they'll do one of the two: either help you, or bully you.

Both have been done for me. But mostly the second option. The people here are ridiculous. Do you think I would do something like this over something as dumb as that?

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