My Friend Has Fibrous Dysplasia

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This is the story about when I found out that my best friend Abby had Fibrous Dysplasia.

It was a cold day. I think it rained, the air felt like daggers on my checks. I hugged my jacket and walked out to the bus stop. I was just talking to my friends,  when Abby tapped me on the shoulder.  I spun on my heel," hey Abby," I smiled but when she didn't smile back, I got scared. "Whats wrong?" I looked at her face, something was different but I couldn't tell what. "Can I tell you something?" she asks quietly, "sure. Anything," I say looking at her carefully. "Well remember when I told you that i was going to go get a cat-scan? Well the doctors found something in my face,"  i felt like i was going to faint, she was telling me the worst news you can ever hear from your best friend, " i have a disease called Fibrous Dysplasia," she said getting tears in her eyes. "Abby you know when you cry i will cry," i said ignoring the burning in my eyes. She was really upset about this. I was about to tell her that everything was going to be fine, but i didn't know that. To tell you the truth i didn't know what was going to happen, i didn't know if it could kill her, or if it was just something that could go away with surgery. "Oh this is my bus," i say breaking the silence. "Ok, bye," she says as she walks away. I had to tell her something to make her smile, just one little smile. "Hey Abby!" i say before getting on the bus, "what?" she turns around her cheeks wet. "Lambchops." There it was, the one smile that could make me forget everything she just said.

That night i could barely think of anything else besides what she told me. I was tired and i felt sick. I wish i was the one giving the news.  I would trade places with her in a half a heart beat. I would do anything to make this better. A two years later she finds out that she needs surgery. I was happy because i thought that it would be done with after that, but then i found out that she was going to have to get this surgery for the rest of her life. That every couple of years that she would have to get this surgery. I was mad and sad. Why did God have to do this to her? Why did it happen to Abby and not me. Then i remembered that what ever God does is part of his plan, that he does everything for a reason.  Later that same year Abby started selling bracelets that said Fibrous Dysplasia/MAS. The money was for her surgery. i told Abby that i wanted one. So i paid the $5.00 and put the bracelet on. I swore never to take it off. and i never did. That night was my Grandma's retirement party. So i got an idea. I went to every person i knew and asked them to buy a bracelet. I earned $75.00! I was so proud of myself. I couldn't wait to tell Abby! She had no idea that i did this.  My mom texted her mom and told her what i did. Abby told me her mom cried, then told her and she just smiled and hugged her mom. They told me to help sell bracelets and so i did. I earned about 30 more dollars. Now was time to schedule the surgery.

Abby told me that it was going to be in the school year. Then it was canceled three times. After the third time they told her to schedule it. Months later she still can't figure out when she wants it. God bless her soul. 

Abby i love you and hope that you can figure it out! i will be right there by your side.

Read her side of the story! "Living With Fibrous Dysplasia\MAS" 

In case you are wondering Fibrous Dysplasia is and unnatural growth of the bone, and it weakens the fibrous and bone. It causes her to quit volleyball and most other sports.  Her right side of her face is swollen and later on she could lose eye sight, hearing, smell, and teeth on her right side of her face.

please help me pray for her! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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