Tied to chains, in the cold weather. Other dogs were there, in cut up boxes. All dogs were held down by 20 pound chains. His face was scared and chunks of his ear gone. Little food and no water was what they got. The dogs relied on the snow for a source of water.
In the distance, you would hear dogs crying and people cheering or screaming in disappointment. You either win the challenge and leave with new scratches and bruises or lose and die. Diesel was short, he was able to get underneath the opponents stomach. It was an immediate breakdown for the opposite team.
At some point, the number of dogs would decrease, they either died from the weather or they lost a fight. During the summer, the population of dogs increased so much that the hand made homes would be occupied by 3 or 4 dogs.
You never wanted to have the other dog be stronger than you, for he or she would kill you for shelter and food. It was survival of the fittest. The woods was no place to want to live. No weak animal could survive. The chains prevented any type of movement. Their muscles were either worn or not exercised enough.
In three days, Diesel would be put up to fight against one of the biggest and meanest dogs ever known.
His owners practiced him with dogs of his own territory. Fight after fight, death after death. One of the owners took Diesel to the slaughterhouse. Blood was splattered everywhere. Chains were piled in corners and cell type cages filled half the room. There was a large metal table in the middle of the room. Along the table was a desk, filled with mysterious tools. They were not cleaned, but tinted red. The smell of rotten carcasses filled the room. Diesel looked intently at the cages, a dog lied still, he was still breathing but seemed to be on the verge of death. Diesel was thrown into the cage next to his. The man lowered himself to Diesel's level. "You don't want to end up in here. I hate doing this but there are consequences for everything you do." He got up and took the dog out of the cage next to Diesel's. The dog seemed to be healthy, no scratches, no nothing. The man pet the dog and dropped a stack if meat in front of him. It smelled horrible but the dog devoured it. He was hunched over, his back to Diesel. The dog turned his head around "The name's Dozer. I'm the top dog nobody cares about. This man here cared for me when I was sentenced to death. Maybe if you behave, he won't kill you either." The dog had a few scars on his face. How could he have lost a fight without any scars? Did Dozer think Diesel was about to die? Diesel was about to fight the biggest dog know tomorrow.