The News; Danny

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Chapter 15

"They died hero's." She said facing the cameras. "They were held captaive for 25 days. They discovered the truth about our previous missing person's list. The names were written in these books. The details of what they had went through are in these two journals. The journal of Annie Clark and the journal of Jaymie Crum. We want everyone who is watching this to know about the brave teenagers who managed to escape. We have never found any survivors from these situations. Although these kids died, they died in each others arms, they died in love.  We caught the shooter but we didnt not catch the other three men. If you notice anything suspicious or anyone acting like these men did, please copntact the police."

I turned the TV off.

"What was that?" Sally asked.

"It was just some silly news. Nothing important." I replied.

"Okay, mommy told me to tell you that dinner's ready. " She said.

"Thank you sweet heart. I will be right in."

I sat there for a moment as my neice bounced away into the kitchen.

Aliissa called out. "Trevor are you coming to dinner?"

I got up and walked in. "Of course."

Lost Love; DannyWhere stories live. Discover now