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A/N- this is my new story! Yay I'm so excited. This story is in my perspective unless you request to be in your perspective. I'm gonna write a few more chapters then start updating them I just wanted to give you the first chapter. Everyone is mentioned in this chapter but not introduced so if you aren't really introduced this chapter, don't worry you will be. Now here are the people who actually had lines

Me - @et_ariel
Mack/Mackenzie - MacKenzieHolden
Jasmin - Jasmin_Como
Lilah - pretentiousoctopus
Jazz - EpicBigC24568

I woke up and realized I was gonna be late for the bus stop. I got up out of bed and got dressed. I ran to my bathroom and sloppily put makeup on and put my hair in my beanie like normal.

I got my bag and ran to the bus stop to meet Jasmin and Mackenzie. They live a few houses down.

I got to the bus stop and no one was there. I saw Mackenzie and Jasmin running to here together.

"Are you guys late too?!" I yelled to the two girls running.

"I was waiting for Mack but she never showed up then she burst through the doors and said the bus was about to be here" said Jasmin as she finally appeared right in front of me.

"It's not my fault! I woke up late!" Mackenzie replied.

Jasmin rolled her eyes. They got here just in time. The bus turned the corner and was at our stop.

It stopped and we got on. We were one of the first stops so we always had seats to ourselves. Of course I sat by myself right in front of Jasmin and Mackenzie. They always say by each other, leaving me to sit by myself unless Lilah was on.

We went by a few more stops until we came to Lilah's stop. She wasn't here so I got to sit by myself watching the couple behind me talk.

The bus arrived at school, finally, and I ran to the front of the bus to get off first. I couldn't wait until I could see jazz.

I got off and ran to her and hugged her so tight.

"I missed you so much!! I thought your vacation was only gonna be a week" I said to jazz.

"It was supposed to but a really bad storm interrupted our flight so it was delayed a whole week"

"I'm just glad you're ok." I pulled out of the hug and kissed her. I turned around to wait for Jasmin and Mackenzie and they were right behind us.

OhanaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя