Leaving - Chapter 6

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I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update, school is taking up my time and tons of homework and isn't even funny. BUT i bring some sort of good news ... i'm getting a ptv shirt :') anyway, this update is a lot shorter mainly because i see it as a filler than a 'pulling weight' chapter


The last few weeks couldn’t have been better. The boys’ career is reaching its peak; they are touring Australia soon with One Direction.  I’m happy for them, but I’m going to miss them more than imaginable, not having 4 goofballs around to lighten up your day. I start college next week and I’m quite nervous, I know no one there. Astrid left school and started working straight away at her dad’s local clothes shop. She has bigger plans but is waiting to exceed them.

We talk everyday and see each other most days. Her and Luke have started talking, they’re still not very close but I have a feeling that will change. As for Michael and I, we’re growing stronger by the day. We spend every day together; we’re making count because he won’t be here for a few months with touring. Ashton has become distant once again. We do talk but he never seems to want to make the effort with me anymore, like I’m some sort of toy he’s bored playing with. He’s been like this ever since we told the boys Michael and I were dating.

“What are you going to do when he leaves?” Astrid asked sitting on my bed flicking through her phone.

“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Try my best at college, and hopefully the months will fly by.”

“Have you ever thought about other girls around him?” She questioned.

“Other girls?” I asked

“Well yeah, fans, crew, you know any girl. You haven’t gone public yet, to them he’s still single.” She looked up at me.

“Well maybe he’ll ignore them?” I wondered.

“He can’t ignore his own fans, Wren.” She rolled her eyes.

“Well no but he can ignore the flirting.” I stated.

“Can he?” she asked

“Course he can, he wouldn’t flirt with anyone else either; he said he’s always wanted to be with me.” I smiled

“Come off it, Wren.” She groaned.


“Every guy says that to talk to you. He probably dated you because Luke told him not to, he likes to break the rules.” She stated.

“He wouldn’t though...” I wondered.

She shrugged “He might.”

I shook my head softly, no he wouldn’t do that. Maybe someone’s done that to her before, but I know for a fact he’d never use me. Even though he did say how Ashton called dibs on me.

“But, you know it’s probably just me over thinking it, you know? It’s happened to me once and I don’t want the same to happen to you that’s all.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry about that.” I spoke.

During the summer Astrid had been seeing a guy called Matt, they were hitting it off well until she found out he dated her because her brother said she was off limits. He wanted to break the rules, become a rebel of some sort.

Her face dropped a little at the memories flooding back.

“Don’t think about him, Astrid.” I reassured her “He’s not worth it.”

She nodded a few tears rolling down her cheek.

“I know he’s not. It’s just no ones ever been interested in me. I thought everything was about to change. And now the whole school knows I’m some sort of desperate cow who dates who ever she can.” She sobbed.

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