Books and Cuddles

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You were enjoying a evening that shouldby all means be perfection. You had a cup of your favorite tea on theside table, you were snuggled against your boyfriend and a warmfleece blanket in the colors of the Romanian flag, something Vladbought, it was the middle of winter and outside the window it wassnowing, your cat was sitting in your lap, soft music was playing andyou were reading a book that had been recommended by a friend. It wasa thriller with interesting psychological characters set in historicEurope; a very good read so far. It was Friday and so you had anentire weekend both Vladimir and yourself had finished all your work.It had been hard to get Vlad to actually work ahead and you had tofinally bribe him with a batch of cupcakes, red velvet withstrawberry frosting; he had finished all his paperwork within twentyfour hours. Dinner had been made, along with the promised cupcakes,so everything was calm for the rest of the night.

So what could possibly be detractingfrom this perfect night?

Vladimir. Of course. You had beendating Vlad for going on four years now and you loved him dearly.That didn't take from the fact he could be annoying when he wants tobe, he was also very flirty so liked to be touchy. You normallydidn't mind, you liked how cuddly and loving he was but not when youwere trying to concentrate.

"Vlad, stop it!" You growledpushing his hand away, he pouted; you couldn't see him you couldpractically feel it. He moved his hand to push your hair off yourshoulder so he could kiss, suck, and nip at your neck. "Vlad!"You pulled away from and turned to see his shining red eyes. "Ilove you to, but I'm trying to read, why don't you to?" You askpointing by the couch where one of his spell books sat.

Being the personification of thecountry Romanli you were magical just didn't practice it the sameway the Magic Trio did. While they did spells from books andcomplicated rituals-that England fucked up two thirds of the time-youwere more the magical energy you got from dancing and playing music,your potions were mostly herbs and such.

Plenty of countries didn't like you,Romanli are the proper term for Gypsies, the term came from themistaken belief that your people were from Egypt when in reality theywere from around Persia. Unlike other countries you had no setborders or cultural identities...well that's not true as your lack ofcultural identity isyour cultural identity, it is a mixture of several differentcultures. It was not uncommon in ancient times to take in orphanchildren or others who would join for one reason or another. No oneever gave America any shit for lacking a unique cultural identitythat wasn't a combination of others. In truth so was Romania as hehad quiet a large population, that's how the two of you met, youalmost were his underling once upon a time but you retained yourindependence. But the two of you shared that in truth it was nowonder how the two of you would end up together since you were bothcame from the same group. You were Romanli while he had a hugepopulation of your people who decided to settle there, which is whysome called Romanians gypsies.

"But I want tocuddle~" he whined as you groaned.

"Fine, but thatmeans I'll be reading in bed instead of cuddling you." Youthreatened and that got him to be quiet really quickly as he reachedfor his spell book. There, now you can enjoy your night. And enjoy ityou did, you finished the entire book and were in absolute love withit.

You stretchedallowing your muscles to fully extend. "Are you finally done?"Vlad asked as you glanced to see him grinning at you his little hateven more off center than usual.

"Yes, I finishedthe book, it was so good!" You said giddy with the story as you putit to the side and turned to snuggle into him and kiss along his neckwhich he loved so much. "Come on, let's go cuddle." You addedwith a smile as he smiled as well tugging you with him as the two ofyou headed to your shared bedroom.

You put on a pairof Romanian flag sleep pants and a Romanli flag loose shirt that wasso big on you that it hung off one of your shoulders. Coming outVladimir was sitting on your shared bed in a pair of black and redcheckered sleep pants and no shirt on and his little top hat wasmissing.

He smiled happilyat you opening his arms which you went and climbed into his arms,resting in his lap. He smiled and cuddled against you. You knew thathe wouldn't let you go at all, he had a habit of spooning you whenyou two went to sleep. Of course by the time you woke up you twowould be in each others arms and his face resting on your breast.

"Te ibusc. (Ilove you.)" He whispered as you smiled, kissing him gently.

"I love you to,Vladimir." You whispered to him kissing him and twirling his softhair in your (skin tone) fingers.

I just wanted towrite about Romania and Reader-chan just having a sweet night inbeing cuddly.

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