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Guest 1524 stood up to the elevator blocked by 2 admins:  ROBLOX and Builderman. ROBLOX has been serious of checking all those reports to bullies, adult material, etc. And Builderman has been building the Robloxia planet. Robloxia is one of the most popular cities in Robloxterra. Robloxterra is connected through teleporters to tons of games. 

The guest stood up with a Sign-in paper. He had couple of attempts because of the taken usernames. But now...

"Hm, sign-up?" The guest nodded and ROBLOX and Builderman looked at the piece of paper.

Username: Shiro

Password: *************

Confirm Password: *************

Birthday: XX/XX/XXXX


".....What clothing do you prefer?" The guest picked the left one. A camera, a green "LOL" cap and glasses that says "2016." It was 2016 in Robloxterra so it makes sense. "Alright, you're going on the platform." The guest nodded and stepped up to the platform.

"Have some fun!"

The platform launched.

A/N why did i even do this....

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