Love at first sight

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Jungkook POV

Today is BTS off day, so we're going to one of suga hyung friend cafe. Hyung said that cafe has the best dessert ever. So we agree to come along.

Waitress : "what do you guys want to order?"
Suga : "one plate of all the dessert please :)"
Waitress : "okay, please wait for a couple of minute."
Third Person POV

"Hailey!! It's been a long time." Yuri said.
"Yuriii, i missed you!!" Hailey hug her.
"Omo, it's been 2 years since the last time you came to my cafe." Yuri said. "Come come sit down." Yuri continue.
"Wow you use my ideas for your cafe, since when did you change it?" Hailey ask.
"Last year i thought it would be good if i use your ideas, it matched with the cafe name." Yuri said. "Ah what do you want to eat?" Yuri ask.
"Um what do you recommend?" Hailey ask.
"You should try the tiramisu mille crepes! It's heaven hahahha." Yuri said.
"I order that then :)" hailey said.
"Okay, wait a minute i still need to finish my work. You don't mind to wait right? Haha." Yuri said.
"Sure, take your time:) we still have a plenty of time hahaha." Hailey reply.


" yoongi hyung this dessert is heaven!" Jimin said.
" yeah definitely, swag." Suga said.
" i love the tiramisu mille crepes." Jungkook said.

"Ummm excuse me, oppa can we take a picture? I'm a huge fan." A girl approach us.

"Sure" rapmon replied.

Jungkook POV

I was looking at the cafe interior, while eating my mille crepes. I swear it taste amazing! Then someone caught my eyes. There's a girl sitting alone across from our seat. I know i sound cheesy but she look so pretty and  breath taking. I can't seem to take my eyes from her. She suddenly look at my direction, i was so surprise then i quickly look away. God she look like an angel. I can tell that i'm blushing right now.
"Wow jungkookie why are you blushing?" V hyung ask.
"No i'm not blushing, i just feel hot." I defend
"Don't lie kookie, what are you thinking huh?" Jimin hyung ask.
"Are you think about dirty thing?" Suga hyung teasing.
"What? No ofc i'm not." I said bluntly.
"Then why are you blushing?" Jimin hyung ask.
"Uh... Um... I... That girl." I pointed at the girl.
"Uuhhh she's very pretty, you like her?" Rapmon hyung ask.
"Ehhh? No i don't. I don't even know her." I said.
"Then why are you blushing?" J-hope hyung ask.
"Umm...because...she saw me staring at her." I said shyly.
"Aww kookie, that's love at first sight." Jimin hyung said tapping my shoulder.
"Our kookie is a man now." Rapmon hyung said and they all laugh.

Hailey POV

I feel like someone's watching me, so i take a look around and found a boy staring at me. Then he realized that i was looking at him too, he quickly look away and i think i saw him blushing. His look is familiar, i wonder who is he.
Then i look at the rest of his friends, ahhhh they're bts ! Omo i met them in real life. They look so handsome.
"Haileyyyyy, why are you so pretty." Yuri suddenly came out of nowhere and compliment me.
"Yuri are you alright? Did you hit your head?" I ask.
"No i don't i'm perfectly fine. I'm just telling the truth. You're very beautiful and kind and smart and perfect." Yuri grin.
"Okay what do you want?" I ask.
"Mm? What do you mean hailey?" Yuri act confused.
"C'mon i know you, what do you want?" I ask.
"Hehe, actually i want to ask for a help. Can you be the singer for the cafe? Just for today. Because the singer is sick, she lost her voice. Please? Please?" Yuri show me her puppy face.
"But i can't sing." I lied.
"Ah come on hailey, i know you can. Don't lie to me. I've known you my whole life. Pleaseeeeeee just for today." Yuri beg.
"Hhh okay, just for today." I give up.
"You're the best." Yuri hug me.

"My dear customer, today we have a special guest. She's one of my best friend and she's going to present some songs for you. Enjoy her company." Yuri said.

Shoot, i'm so nervous. I'm not really good with audience. Inhale... Exhale.

"Hi guys, my name is hailey. The owner of this cafe is my best friend and hope you guys enjoy the food just like me. And now i'm going to sing 'hands to myself' by selena gomez. Hope you enjoy" i said.

Once i finished the song, everyone started to give me a standing applause. Wow didn't know it feels so good, i thanked them and continue to the next song.
"Thank you, and the last song i'm going to sing is '679' hope you enjoy"


"Hyung, i think i fall for that girl." Jungkook said.
"I can't help but staring at her. And her voice, it's hard to explain." Jungkook explain.

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