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Hello... don't even bother, there's no point in looking for another character; I'm the only one here . My names hiroki and I don't have an age because every time someone finishes this story and then a new person reads it this happens all over again , it's pretty boring though ; living for ever... well unless this story gets deleted but I'm pretty sure it won't be right? You wouldn't let that happen would you?

Change of subject, What's your name? You probably don't know this but when your reading this I can hear what you and others around you are saying , cool isn't it ; anyway you know how I said I was alone?... well I was lying there's ALOT of people here, but the thing is we're not alive ...... We're in heaven! Crazy isn't it. Well come to think of it IM not in heaven I'm in this book. Wait!!! It's nearly time to go!! DONT LEAVE ME! ; no times nearly up... I guess I better say my most hated word ever : goodbye.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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Don't leave me Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora