The Rose

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    The rose, glittering and sparkling, was made of glass, or diamond, or clear Ice, Crystalline couldn't tell. It shimmered in her icy hands. Crystalline sat, exhausted, leaning against a silver birch tree, snow falling around her. She was suddenly overcome with an overwhelming urge to smash the Rose on the Birch tree's frozen bark. Rage flared inside her. This rose. A rose. Had been the cause of her entire family's death. How could a plant, one that wasn't even alive, kill so many? Before she go through with what her rage demanded, she became aware of someone nuzzling her shoulder. She looked up to see her Arctic Fox, Arielle.
"What are we gonna do? What can we do? We can't go back, she's probably still there, if it's not her herself, she's probably left her creepy wolves there. Besides we can't go anywhere with the Rose, its in danger with us!" Crystalline exclaimed. Arielle pointed in the direction from which they had come running from.
    "I just said we can't go back, and remember, we have to do something about the Rose first." She said. The fox calmly took the rose from her hands, took a few steps in the direction and buried the rose in the snow.
"Hide it in snow?" She asked, confused. Arielle shook her head and again indicated where they had come from.
    "I don't understand, You wanna hide it?" She asked, her bewilderment growing. Arielle nodded and pointed, yet again, in the direction they came from. It dawned on Crystalline what Arielle was trying to tell.
    "You want to hide the Rose in out house?" She asked wonderingly, her exhaustion forgotten. Arielle nodded eagerly.
    "Thats smart idea! The Ice Witch thinks's I am gonna be a coward and run away with the Rose. Well jokes on her!" Crystalline said excitedly. "But lets wait until dark, you know, incase she left someone behind." She added.
Arielle took the Rose out of the snow and hurried back to her, Dropping it in her lap. She then curled up beside her to take a well deserved nap.
    "Well then, you go ahead and sleep, guess I'll wake you when the sun sets" Said Crystalline. Carefully putting the Rose between them, She stretched out herself, trying to get comfortable in the snow.


The freezing wind whispered high in the trees, making the branches collide. The almost black sky stared down at her. With no stars or moonlight to light her path, Crystalline was stumbling about in darkness that seemed to swallow her whole. To her relief they made it back without any trouble.
    She stood in front of her family's house, or what was left of it. It had been burned down. It was reduced to nothing but blackened planks and ashes. The sight of it brought tears to her eyes.
"Oh Arielle, We can't live here anymore. Mom, dad, Sister Ariana, Connellie, Elena, Emerlina, brother benny, Henry. They're all gone. Dead."
Cried Crystalline. She sat down and let the tears fall, No point in hiding, no one was watching. Arielle sat in silence beside her.
By the time Crystalline had calmed down, the sun was near setting, streaking the sky hues of purple and orange. Crystalline got up and went over the remains of her house, look for the cellar door. It would be the safest place to hide the rose.
    After rummaging around the rubble, she finally found the cellar, by tripping over the door handle in the dark. She cleared the surrounding area. When she had satisfied herself, she carefully set the precious rose beside her and tried to open the cellar door. After yanking on it for some time and being unsuccessful, she called Arielle over to watch the Rose while she went to look for something to open it with. She stood up, dusted herself off and walked to the edge of the woods, staring into the darkness. Crystalline found herself unwilling to step into the darkness. She turned around and decided to look for something around the remains of the house.


"On 3, ok?" Said Crystalline. She was holding the handle of the cellar door, While Arielle had her jaws around and a wide but sturdy, plank of wood. They were using at as a crowbar to open the door.
"1, 2, 3!" Crystalline pulled with all her strength, she could feel Arielle getting tired. Suddenly the Cellar door swung open, sending Arielle and Crystalline tumbling into the snow. Arielle flew al the way back to the edge of woods, while Crystalline hit her head on piece of wood sticking out of the ruins.
Her vision felt foggy, how hard had she hit her head? She tried to stand up, only to slip on a patch of ice and fall again. Her head was throbbing, making it impossible to think of anything else. She sat up where she was and tried to look around, but it felt as though the world was spinning. It seemed to be getting darker and darker, but how could that be? It was already night or was it? She saw Arielle whimpering at her side before the world went black.

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