No PLEASE!!! Cleo said
No I have you now there's no running away De'quan said
Now come back if you want more De'quan said as Cleo said crying 😿😿😿😿.
As De'quan said walking off
Cleo just sat there all balled up terrified 😫😶😊😿
That night 🚨🚔🚔 -Put your hands up
Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law .
You are arrested for rape of De'quanSimmons ..Where?is she the officer said
I don't know? De'quan said lying
Tell the truth and it will be easier for you to get over with this the officer said
I am telling the truth I swear De'quan said
Get him out of here the officer saidCleo P.O.V
I have no where to go !
I have to find somewhere !
She walks to the hood 🚶🏽🚶🏽
And she sleeps at the corner store out side
Cleo went to go to the drug store and got pregnancy tests and drugs as in pills .