Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I heard my alarm ring beside my ear. I tried to turn it off by stretching a bit. Annoyed, I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. I blinked more than once and lazily got up. I found my alarm still beeping but it was on the floor 'that's weird,' I thought. What was even weirder, was the fact that my bedroom door was open. "I never leave my bedroom door open, it's always closed." I thought. I shrugged and got out of bed. "Ugh!" I thought to myself "It's Monday...another school day." I went to the bathroom and started my morning routine. I walked towards my closet and decided to wear a white top and a green flannel, as for shoes, I chose my white low top converse. I applied a bit of makeup just to hide my blemishes and make myself look approachable, not like a scary monster who just woke up. I went downstairs and met my mum "Hey mum" I greeted her "Morning sweetie," she replied "how's your day so far?" She asked "it's fine," I grabbed an apple and my school bag. "Bye mom, I'm going to school." I shouted and locked the door behind me. I grabbed my penny board and headed to school.

*When I reached school*
I quickly walked in and headed to my locker. I put my penny board in there and got my biology books out. I sighed to myself as I was about to close my locker, someone else slammed it shut causing me to jump "To my office. NOW!!" I glared at the person in front of me "Mr. Thomas-" I said calmly "Don't you dare call me by my first name!" He shouted "oh I dared. Now what did I do?" "You didn't hand in your project Ms.Posey and it's due by the end of the day. You either give it to me or I'm letting you fail physics." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Only to bump into another person. "Just my luck" I mumbled, I looked up and saw a tanned girl with black wavy hair. She looked gorgeous. She was thin and had brown chocolate eyes kind of like my brother. If you didn't notice that already Tyler Posey is my brother. Yes the Scott McCall from Teen Wolf and I honestly miss him so much. We were and still are super close but he barely has time to talk or call us. He's barely home. I shocked my head "I'm really sorry," I said and helped the girl up "Lexi." I extended my hand "Chloë" she responded shaking my hand. "Sorry for bumping into you," I said and noticed she had a map and a schedule in her hand "new?" I asked. She nodded. "Let me help," I said. She handed me her schedule and I saw she had biology with Mr. Harrison, I smiled " have most of your classes with me and your locker is across mine. So you're good." I said and handed her back her schedule. "Come on" I said "okay" and she joined me as we headed to biology class.

*Skipping till after school*

Finally the bell rang signaling for us to leave class. I gave Mr. Thomas what he wanted and I've figured out that Chloë wasn't that shy once you get to know her and we've agreed to hang out. She came with her penny board. I greeted her again " Hey Chlo, ready?" I asked "yeah let's go," we hopped on my car and drove to my house. We kept laughing and joking around when I unlocked the door and walked in, "mum I'm home, and I've got a new friend with me." I shouted and closed the door after Chloë came in. "You know mum went out to get some groceries," I heard a very familiar voice say behind me. I turned around to see my brother. I dropped my bag and tackled Tyler into a bear hug. "TYLER!!" I screamed. He hugged me back and laughed "Hey sis!" He said. I pulled away and got a bit angry "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked "surprise?" He said his arms in a questioned manner. I shook my head and laughed at my stupid brother. Chloë cleared her throat.

"Oh..." I said "Ty, this is my new friend Chloë. Chloë this is my brother, Tyler Posey." She politely extended get hand, but Tyler was like, "I don't do handshakes...I only give hugs." He pulled her closely and hugged her gently. Chloë hugged him back. "I'ma let you two get to know each other a bit. I want food." I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, "you know I'm also here and I didn't get a hug," I looked back and saw Dylan playfully frowning and he had his arms extended for me to hug him. I must've been shocked because Dylan started laughing. I shook my head and then leaped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him tightly then let go "Dylaaaaan!" I stretched out his name "Lexiiiiiiii!" he said doing the same thing and we laughed. I smiled "So how's life?" I asked. He was about to answer when Tyler and Chloë walked in. "How about we watch a movie or something?" Chloë suggested. "Sure. Why not?" I said "let's go," Dylan and Tyler said in unison "dude" they said again "here it goes again." I laughed "Bruh" "oh my god" "no dude stop" "stop" "STOP" Chloë screamed. They looked at her then at me and then we all burst out laughing "this is going to be a good night.." I thought happily as I put my arm around Tyler's back "come on now you lazyass bitches" I said. "You know I was the one to put your alarm on the floor," Tyler said "and I opened the door," Dylan said "you look cute when you're sleeping." Dylan continued "Stop it O'Brien." Tyler Posey hissed. I giggled and blushed. Hold up....that wasn't me. I don't giggle OR blush. I looked at Dylan who just shrugged and smiled.

*After 15 minutes*
"How about we go to the mall?" Tyler suggested "I'm in," Chloë said, me and Dylan nodded and we went to the mall.

When we got there, we decided to watch 'Snow white and the Huntsman'.

After an hour of fighting Tyler sat next to Chloë, she sat between him and Dylan. While I sat on the other side of Dylan.

When the movie started, I heard a shriek come from the other side of Dylan where Chloë was sitting. "What's wrong?" I asked "she's just fangirling over Chris Hemsworth," Tyler bent over and told me "he is hot." I said, "HEY" Dylan said with jealousy in his tone "you're still really cute," I assured him trying to make him feel good about his self, he smiled and turned back to the screen.

*After the movie ended*
"Promise you won't freak," Tyler told Chloë "promise." She said "Me and Dylan know Chris Hemsworth..." he said. She technically broke her promise and screamed and everyone was now staring at us "so, you're good at keeping promises," Dylan told Chloë sarcastically "sorry," she said with 😁 face. (A/N: Idk what it's called).
We all laughed and Tyler later said to Chloë "How about we get to know each other and leave these two alone?" She whispered something in his ears and just like that, they were gone. "Did you really mean what you said inside?" Dylan asked "...when you said that I'm really cute? Did you mean it?" He asked again. I looked down and felt my cheeks become rosy so I tried hiding it and said "don't blame me for you being cute".

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