Tag #3

26 4 2

I was tagged by lucky_lion926 :)

Instructions for whoever I tag:

Choose between two options and say why you pick that option.

1. Hot chocolate or cold? Welll, I'd probably say cold because right now I am boiling.

2. Friends or boyfriend? Friends because they understand you (unlike boys who don't get what girls think).

3. YouTube or Wattpad? That's actually really hard. I watch soooo much YouTube but I also spend sooo much time reading and writing books on Wattpad. But I'd probably have to say YouTube. Sorry guys.

4. Ice cream or chocolate? Can I say chocolate ice cream?

5. Rainy or sunny? Sunny because you can go outside and do stuff. When its raining, you're just stuck inside.

6. Japan or Korea? Probably Japan because I love anime and manga and Japan has ultra-good toilets. (Actually, that's not my real reason).

7. Math or Science? Science. I HATE maths.

8. Filipino language or English? English because I don't know how to speak Filipino.

9. Laptop or cellphone? Cellphone because you can take it with you everywhere you go, and you can make calls and stuff with it.

10. What is your favourite story on Wattpad? I honestly don't know...



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