Chapter 2 (gwens backstory)

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It started  when I was 5 I had just felt like I was being watched every moment,we later found out there was a spirt in the house. When I was 10 it found it way into my head I started as just thoughts on how to kill bully's then it turned to self harming,then to mania(crazy). My parents started to send me to therapy but it got worse then when I was 12 the therapist it might be best to send me to the prison where I was "safe". Turns out I was not safe from anyone, the sprit  followed me here and started to talk to me  like whispers in my head quiet then loud,sad then happy,and transparent then solid. I then met a friend a week after my arrival her name was Queen she is a dirty minded person and she was put in here because of mania as well as depression . After I met her the sprit left me ,but it filled  in as depression.


The picture up top is Gwen my friend drew her and helped me design her

Person no one cares about

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