The One and Only Chapter

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One day in the glorious town of London a girl named Fanny, who was a duchess, was close to the day of her arranged marriage with her brother Vincent, but sadly Vincent was a dumbass. Literally he probably would die if he tired to cook eggs, he would set them on fire and he would burn. So naturally the idiot had no sense of direction, like if you gave him step-by-step instructions the man would still got lost. "VINCENT WHERE THE FILP ARE YOU?!?" Fanny yelled as she paced down the halls of the Reedhouse manor. "I swear that man is always lost." She said while navigating through the halls. Crash! Fanny hit the floor with a thud. "Ow what the fadoodle cakes!" she exclaimed while rubbing her aching backside. "Fanny! Oh my god I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention where I was going." Vincent said quickly helping Fanny off the floor. Fanny at that moment could have murdered him, sure she loved her brother more than anything but this is to much of a occurring thing (at least 3 times a day). So in her head she counted to ten and took a deep breath and said "It's okay Vincent. I came to find you to tell you we got an invite to the Phantomhive Manor to have dinner." Vincent looked at Fanny shocked thinking about the last time they had dinner with the young earl hadn't gone the best seeing as he had broke several dishes, accidentally hit the earl in the face while his was bowing, and last but not least he spilled his tea all over the kid. So all of these occurrences had Vincent wondering the intent behind the invitation, but Vincent didn't think about it long seeing as the man had little brain power. While he was thinking this Fanny stood there think what was going through that idiots head. "Oh really he did! Well what are we waiting for let go get prepared to leave"  Vincent said excited that for once his stupidity didn't lose him a friend for once. "I was waiting for you dummy!" Fanny said slightly agitated. Little did the dim man know that Ciel really invited them just to see Fanny, for Ciel thought that she thought she was...fucking hot like hotter than Suitcase.
When they arrived at the Phantomhive Manor Vincent was kinda nervous that what happened the last would happen again. Fanny sensed that her fiancé was uneasy, so she said to him "Vincent don't be nervous it will be ok." Vincent just looked at her and said "Are you mental do you remember what happened last time if that happens again I will die like from embarrassment?!" Fanny was immediately silenced for that she knew that was the truth 'Why is my brother a idiot, I think the kid was dropped on his head?!' Fanny screamed in her head. They got out of the carriage and Fanny saw the butler who literally scared the hell out of her like he looks like a demon or something. When they entered the manor they were greeted by the Ciel and the entire staff, yes all three of them, I wonder how they keep the place running probably that damn butler =_=. Ciel walked up to Vincent and Fanny, but keep eye contact with Fanny. "Hello again welcome to the Phantomhive Manor." Ciel said 'politely', while staring daggers at Vincent, thinking 'Ugh this dumbass again. He's lucky his sister is fucking hot man, because I would have killed him by now if it wasn't for her.' Vincent, not realizing the death glare Ciel was giving him, totally man handled the kids hand with a death grip handshake. "It's great to see you again Ciel like absolutely great like oh my gosh!" Vincent said a little too excited considering that this kid barley smiles. 'I hope this dumb fuck dies in his sleep!!" Ciel screamed in his head, but while saying "Yes it is a pleasure Vincent." Ciel finally pried Vincent's hand off his on and turned to Fanny who was face palming so hard because of her fiancé. Ciel took Fanny's hand and placed a kiss on it saying "Fanny you look fetching today." Fanny stared at the kid wondering 'Who the fuck says fetching anymore?'
       While they were eating dinner Ciel kept staring at Fanny with a loving eye, but all Fanny could think was 'Is there something on my face or is he just stupid?' Vincent didn't notice any of this for he was making a fort out of his food like the five year old he was. "Vincent! What the hell are you doing stop it!" Fanny whisper-yelled to her simple minded brother. Vincent, looking like a scolded puppy, whispered back "Sorry Fanny." Ciel saw this dispute and could only think 'I hate that guy so fucking much!", but he just continued toward dinner. After dinner was finished they all sat in Ciel's study talking about politics and business...nah just kidding they talked about some of Ciel's most goriest cases. "And then Jack the Ripper sliced my Aunt open and I watched her bleed out." Ciel said without even flinching (little sadist). " I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt she sounded lovely." Fanny said. Vincent on the other hand felt like shit like how you imagine roadkill fells that is what Vincent felt. "Ciel where is your bathroom I'm about to vomit?" Vincent said quickly feeling to bile rise in his throat. Ciel gave him the exact directions and Vincent left the room running, but as we all know that dumbass got lost as hell like the kinda lost that only an orphan can feel so Vincent was as good as dead in that huge mansion. "So Fanny if you don't mind me you really love Vincent, like truly love him in the romantic way not the sibling way?" Ciel asked hoping she say no. Fanny was shocked by this question because she didn't fully know the answer, did she actually love Vincent more than a sibling. "I don't know. I have always been with him since we were born, but I think that if I don't marry him he will be lost like he always is." Fanny says thinking hard about her true feelings. "What if I said that I have feelings for you that I would like to show you before you are married and I lose the chance?" Ciel asked pensively. "I would say don't hold anything back that you will regret later on in life." Fanny said looking intently completely forgetting her dumbass brother who is currently is making a messing that Sebastian will have to clean later. Ciel suddenly leaned in and kissed Fanny on the cheek and said "Thank you Fanny for being you." So in the the end Vincent was lost for a total of 2 days and was found by Sebastian and was returned to Fanny. Ciel told Fanny and realized that he already has a great relationship with Suitcase and that he likes thing the way they are and that he was right...Vincent is a fucking idiot.
Thank you for making it this far lol XD. This is a story for FannyPAIB who asked me to write a fanfic about Ciel and her lol I hope you like it haha. Comment and tell me what I should write next. I love you lovely people <3

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