Dangerous Love

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Lucas and Maya start to run into the building but quickly slow down to try to act casual as they walk through the doors up to the front desk "Hi, One room please" Lucas huffs as he leans up on to the counter still catching his breath. The lady looks at her computer and tips something in then looks back at them and hands Lucas the keys "thanks" Lucas says to the lady and grabs the keys and they both speed walk into the elevator. They both walk in silent, Lucas presses the button to go up. They wait a second then they walk out on there floor and to there room. Lucas opens the door and they both walk in, Maya walks up to the curtains and closes them then turns to face Lucas as he slams the door shut. They where facing each other looking straight die into each other's eyes. Finally alone to let go, to be unprofessional, to say and do what ever they want they thought. Lucas walks up to Maya, both with a straight face in till Maya barres her face in Lucas's chest and he tightly raps his arms around her as one single tear falls from his and many from her as they don't say a word. The only sound they hear filling the room is the quit harsh sobs of loss, sorrow, regret and worry.

"I can't lose this.....I can't lose you"

The second Lucas hears theses words come from Maya it almost shocks him as they spin in his head. Maya lifts her head slowly as she can feel the loosening of Lucas's grip on her. He just stares in shock, but not by the words but by what they really mean

I almost lost her today, I almost. But when will it not be almost but actually gone. I've lost too much but I can't lose her. not now. Not Ever.  I've already lost other loves before but I can't lose this love. Not now. Not ever.

Lucas's hands slowly travel up Maya's body up to her cheeks, his thumbs slowly wipe away the leftover tears streaming down her face.

"Neither man or woman, Gun or badge, wall or Ocean, land or sea will EVER stop me from loving you." He pauses "I never thought I could love anything after what i've done and what I've witnessed first hand, what I've let happen. And that God would ever give me such a loving, caring, fearless badass woman that's unbearably beautiful for me to ever love but I always thought the worst pain I could ever feel after what pain I've caused to others is I would of have to let you go, but still loving you." A tear streams down Maya face as Lucas starts to lean in but he stops at the last second as there eyes shut "I'm sorry Maya but I love you" he huffs "i'm tough enough to lose everything in my life but you. It pains me that it's you but yet I would never won't anyone else. My first and only." She whispers back. She leans in, there lips barely apart "my love is only as deep as I let it become, not just my heart or even my being but you've even touched my inner soul in more ways then one can imagine and It's to deep to find and let go because it's permanently a part of me, within me, you've affected me more ways then I could ever truly believe, your love is a part of me till the end of time. Time never stops...... Neither will my love for you, it will always be there and be embraced and noticed by everyone and anything and will never not be there. Always in love, always affected, always and only by you. All Always be in love with you."

Is the last thing she says as she takes in a painful breath and connects there lips.

There's no stopping now....

Lucas's hands slowly move down to Maya's waist having his fingers slip underneath Maya's black leather jacket to feel her tight burgundy shirt as he pulls her chest closer to his. He moves his hands slowly in circles feeling her waist as her jacket slowly slips off her arms. Her jacket falls to the floor and there lips disconnects only for Maya to jump up rapping her legs around Lucas's torso, Lucas hold's on to her squeezing her ass a bit making himself smirk at her. Maya at first looks serious at him but it instantly fades "Having fun there?" Maya asks jokingly, smirking at the feel of his touch. Lucas bites his lip into a even bigger smirk as he turns to the side and flops Maya on the bed "Yes but I think we can do better." He smiles as his eyes connect with Maya's again. She stares at him for a brief second but then looks him over again "Yeah-" with her legs still tightly wrapped around Lucas's torso she flips him over so she can be on top. "I think we can" Maya leans in and connects their lips once more. Lucas can't help but groan over how great of a kisser Maya is, she traces his bottom lip with her tongue then she gives him soft selectively kisses as she focuses on her hands as she start to tug on the ends of Lucas's shirt. Lucas leans forward so Maya can pull his shirt off, he throughs it to the side. At first Maya smirks at the sight of Lucas shirtless but her expression instantly changes to sadness as her hand trembles towards the scars on him "Oh Lucas" she whispers Lucas frowns seeing her so upset, he gently grabs her hand to get her attention "I'm ok....... I promise" he says and gives her a soft smile, Lucas starts to sit up causing Maya to inch back a little. Maya sits on his lap with her legs still rapped around him. She doesn't say anything not fully convinced so Lucas grabs her chin softly to make her look him straight in the eye. "Look at me.....I'm fine now" he says softly with a little pity smile but Maya only looks even more worried and not convinced. "Yeah now but-" she starts to say but Lucas cuts her off by pressing his lips against hers, it takes her a second to respond but slowly they synchronize as Lucas sips on her lips. Lucas can't help but kiss her because he can't hear her say it. Yeah now but what about the next time. He doesn't want to think about the Past and especially not the future only now and them. Lucas only focuses on Maya, her soft full lips, so tender and sweet like vanilla and how they fit so well with in his. Lucas's hand falls to Maya waist as there kiss becomes more aggressive and heated. Both of there hearts are racing now especially Maya's as she feels Lucas's fingertips hit her bare skin as he start to lift her shirt up. Lucas pulls Maya's shirt off forcing them to break there kiss. Both Maya and Lucas breathe heavily as he tosses her shirt to the side, When Lucas starts to focus on what he did he can't help but stare at Maya's chest which causes Maya blush when she sees him stare. But it doesn't take long for Lucas's eyes to meet Maya's incredibly Beautiful blue eyes of hers. "I only want to think about you, not the past, not the future just now with you. And if in the future I get more of these-" he looks down at his scars "all still be ok because all still have you. All always be ok if I have you because every time I look down it will remind me that life isn't forever so I have to live it the best I can with you." Lucas says softly and smiles a little and finally Maya had a tiny smile on her face, he finally reassure her "hey I say that." She smiles and laugh a little. Lucas smirks at her because he's going to do the same thing to her again "yeah-" he says as he stand up just enough to flip her over again on her back "I know, now what are you gonna do about it?" Lucas asks with a big smirk on his face that turns in to a lip bit as his eyes drift down. Maya new it was coming, her legs dropped from him as they inched more up on the bed. Maya smirks at as she lifts her hands up to his face and pulls him close to connect there lips together again. But nether of them ever imagine what would happen next, what they feel in this moment could ever be so strong. Lucas's hands hold Maya's waist but his fingertips slowly caress her sides making Maya shiver with in there kiss.

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