Chapter one

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Missy's PoV
I was on my way to school.It was the first day after summer and lots of gossip was going on about a new 'special' Kid is coming to the school.
I meet my friends at the gate and walk in.The bell rings and I get into tutor .I sit with Tia and that's when the new kid in school came in.His name was James.He was pretty cute.He had Brown 'Emo' style hair and Deep red eyes I also noticed he had a pretty big coat on and it's not even winter.I thought it was a bit strange until he took his coat off.He had Wings.They were Big and strong like an eagle's.Everyone just stared with there mouthes open.He looked around,shrugged and sat down at a table Next to mine.The Popular girl Courtney sitting behind him decided to put her hand out and try to take a feather But it was stuck there like super glue.He spread out his wings showing how big they were and looked at her,His eyes The darkest shade of red I have ever seen.She looked at him with a flirty Smirk.He was Hot in my opinion.He noticed me looking at him and I went deep Pink.He smiled at me then hid himself with his wings.

After that lesson I had science,He was in that lesson too.Everyone looked at him but everyone does he's different.An idiot for a boy Frank said to him."What did your mum do.Fuck a seagull ?".James then lifts his wings about to hit Frank.The teacher then took James out of the room.I felt so bad for Him.I was obviously the only one because everyone ran over to frank lying on the floor like a coward calling James a monster.As soon as I heard him say that I pushed through the crowd and Lifted Frank with his shirt.
It turned out that Courtney was in the class and said"Ooh Freak Show has a Crush on Birdie".I looked at Courtney dropping Frank whilst doing so.She then looks at my hand and went white.I realised what I was doing and ran out the class room.

James PoV
I walked into Tutor,My first lesson at my new school.There was a girl that stood out.She had Dark hair and her eyes were changing colour ever so slightly.I thought I was imagining things and sat at my desk.A girl behind me tried to pluck a feather and so I stretched out my wings to show how big and strong they are compared to her.I then looked behind me and gave her a death stare.She then smirked at me.I felt eyes burning at the side of my neck to see the weird eyed girl staring at me.I decide to smile at her.She looked away and went Deep pink.I then hid myself away in the depth of my wing.

Next science.I was walking to my desk while of course people looked at my wings.A boy Then shouted at me"What did your mum do ? Fuck a seagull?".I got so angry.I lifted my wings about to hit him when he dropped to the floor.I took my wing down and just looked at him confused.The teacher came rushing over,Taking me outside to talk.
I didn't listen to what she said.I was to busy looking through the window of the door watching what was going on. I saw a crowd of people around Frank.He's being held up by the Coloured eye girl she shouting at him.She then drops him and looked a the girl who pluck my wing.I saw a light source in her hand.Everyone seemed to be scared and a saw her look at her hand then come running out the door.The teacher runs after her leaving me in the corridor.I decide to go in.Everyone is back in there seats.Silence takes over the room.
"What on earth was going on with her?" I thought to myself.

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