Canada Corset

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It was July 1st, Canada dayand your best friend Matthew's birthday. All the other countries knewthat in three days on July 4th it would be his youngertwin, Alfred's birthday since he went on and on about hisIndependence Day every year starting about in June, so manyoverlooked him. You refused to have it happen on his birthday and assuch had his papa France and his own small group of friends; Cuba,Ukraine, and Prussia.

Matthew wasn't one for big crowds, youonce got everyone to do a full birthday party for him, threateningthem if they forgot him, making sure you were there when all boughttheir present for him so they did it and calling and reminding themto come. You had worked very hard and Matthew had a horrible time.

Not that he didn't appreciate what youdid, he loved that you did and thanked you multiple times. But youknew him too well to be fooled that he wasn't having a good time. Theproblem was he wasn't used to big crowds and being noticed so youpromised not to do it again. Of course this only made him feel badbecause it wasn't out of the question for him to complain about somany people not noticing him, if they do it's to think he's America,despite the fact that Prussia, and Ukraine never confused him, and ontop of that you never either confused or ignored him. But he hadnever realized how he would not like it and so you had decided not todo that again.

Honestly a part of you hurt when hecomplained that no one noticed him. You weren't no one. However youwere chubby and as such maybe you were. Matthew never made you feellike that except for when he did that.

So today you figured it would be goodto wear something in the Canadian flag or maybe just the colors whiteand red, only problem is you didn't have a shirt or anything andnothing really the appropriate shade of red. So the only thing lefthtat you did have was a Canadian flag corset, which was underwearthough it was considered as a shirt now.

You worried that it would show so muchof your plus sized physique, showing your chubby arms bear, it was ahalter neck in red, the busks in another red, the shape of a mapleleaf, the white and red of the Canadian flag over you and red andwhite frills along your hips, the frills being red where the flag waswhite and white where the flag was red.

With that you picked up your presentfor him and the cake. You had made the cake yourself, the base beingpancakes that were the recipe that you had originally gotten fromMatthew, the cake itself being a white cake that you flavored withmaple syrup, the good stuff-not off brand, and you frosted it withwhite frosting giving red detail, a simple message of 'Happy BirthdayMattie!'

Picking up the wrapped gift that wasdecorated with polar bears and had a red bow, inside was a brand newhelmet, Matthew's old one was on the end; you actually borrowed itclaiming that you were going to play a sport with Ukraine as a girlsnight and you were letting her use your own but you needed one then,telling Ukraine to cover for you in case he mentioned it to her. Youhad taken the helmet to a specialty shop and gotten a new one made tothose specifications in red and white with the Canadian flag andelegantly saying 'Williams' across the back.

When you got there you smiled happilyand Matthew greeted you with a smile, you holding the cake andpresent made it impossible for him to see what you were wearing, butwhen he did his violet eyes widened, his curl straightened insurprise, and his glasses steamed up from the heat of the blush onhis face.

You didn't notice as you were steadilyavoiding his gaze as you went to greet Ukraine, Prussia, France, andCuba. You had told Ukraine as she was your best friend, as well astelling Belarus so she would understand you had absolutely nointerest in Russia as more than a friend and liked someone else.France had figured out that you had a huge crush on Matthew, he wasthe country of love after all, and somehow Prussia had noticed aswell. Leaving the only ones in your group who didn'tknow being Cuba and of course Matthew. You sometimes thought Francemay have told Prussia, as long as he didn't tell Spain, as that guycould not keep a secret to save his life. Or perhaps Prussia hadnoticed if there was some form of the serious person he was when hewas a knight.

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