The Unexpected

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This is my first big "story" most that I wrote is fan fiction. There will be many mistakes I promise. Please let me know what you think? Comment! no hate please!?



His lips were as soft as the inside of a rose. They felt heavenly against my neck, I knew I shouldn't be thinking this but there was always something that I loved about these boys. Jared with his incredibly soft hair, Michael had perfect biceps, Jordan had serious ass, Tyler had angel eyes, Tristan had the softest hands, Austin's abs were rock hard. These were a few of the many guys I had fooled around with in my high school years. I felt Matthew lift me off the ground so I rapped my legs around him grinding myself against him, he slammed my back against the wall and released me to the floor pulling his shirt off and dropping his pants. I didn't hesitate to do the same. Soon we were on the floor of the janitors closet in nothing. I was on my hands and knees while he pulled it in and out of me when the door swung open "Matthew Hall! AJ Feilds! What is going on here?" screamed our vice principal Perry, she was a short fat women with low tolerance for PDA. I believe that it's because she has never seen anything...until that day.

"What's it look like?" said Matthew "We were trying to have sex. But you interrupted, now leave bitch." I laughed at this statment.

"Get off the floor both of you!" She yelled at us "and put your clothes on immediately then report straight to my office!"

We replaced our clothes and went to Perry's office. While we were walking Matthew turned to me "you were great. Maybe we can try this another time?" If only he understood.

"Took you long enough!" We heard her scream as we emerged from the hallways "now sit down" she pointed sharply at two seats on either side of the room. "Now, who would like to explain what was just happening in the janitor's closet?"

"Like I told you before, we were trying to have sex until you walked in. If you don't know what sex is I will gladly explain or maybe me and AJ can demonstrate for ya." he said winking at me. I just rolled eyes.

"Thank you Mr. Hall but that won't be necessary. I am quite acquainted with sex and the consequences for doing this on school grounds"

"Oh really?" he was laughing

"Yes sir."

"And just what are they?"

I spoke up "Expulsion, boarding schools, private schools, boot camp, major community service. Just to name my favorites from around here."

"Ms. Fields will be attending a private school. It was decided on her last visit to my office for this reason." Matthew looked at me confused "AJ you will be attending The Hockaday School in Dallas, Texas, an all girls school." She looked up at me when she said this.

"So your plan is to turn me lesbian?"

"No. My plan is to help you grow up."

"And putting me in a boarding school with a bunch of girls will help me grow up?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Bull shit!"

"Language Ms. Fields."

"Hell no I won't watch my language! You can't rip me out of my life and plop me in the middle of a bunch of bitchy stuck up rich girls!"

"Not all rich girls are stuck up."

"What the hell ever! They may not all be stuck up but they sure as hell are all bitchy as hell!"

"Do you know any of these girls Ms. Fields?"


"Exactly, how do you know they then?"

"Because they are in a private school."

"This does not make them hateful"

"Yes it does. They don't work, they will never have to work a day in their precious little lives! They will all live off of daddy's money!"

"I am not going to agree with this statement Ms. Fields but you must return home to pack. You will be leaving at promptly eight tomorrow morning. You are dismissed."


"Dismissed!" I stood up tossing my seat backwards onto the floor behind it "replace the chair Ms. Fields."

"Eat my shit you old cunt." I told her and walked out holding my middle finger up.


I was packing my bags when she walked into my room, the attic, "You know your parents would completely approve of this, what with your recent behavior"

"Well if they were here I might not be doing this"

"So your blaming your sexual relationships on your parent's absence?"

"No I'm blaming my sex life on my parent's murder!" I exploded I was tired of her saying absence instead of facing the fact that they were murdered

"It wasn't a murder"

"It was to! Were you there? No! Didn't think so, you didn't watch your parents get killed, then have everyone tell you they weren't murdered..." I spoke softer "I watched that man kill them both, it looked like an accident but he murdered them."

"Honey, I know that's how you remember that night, but that isn't what happened."

"Oh really? Then what did happen since we are playing Belinda Perry knows all!"

"It was a wreck sweetie.."

"Well I know that I was in the car"

"The car just flipped.."

"Because he stood in front of it!"

"Who is he?"

"You know who he is!"

"I'm afraid I don't"

"I know you do"

"No, I don't"

"Jayden Tipton."

"Not Jayden"


"But you were dating him"

"And I wouldn't have sex with him..." I sat down, my eyes began to fill with tears

"So he was trying to kill you...not your parents..." she said slowly sitting down beside me

"Yes, and I believe he is still after me"

"He knows you survived?"


"Then this move should be good"

"But I don't want to go"

"I know but now you will be safer"

"Who cares about my safety?"

"And you won't get any sexual diseases or get pregnant"

"Back to Principal Perry are we?"

"Don't call me that"

"Why not? Principal Perry."

"I am your aunt and you will call me Belinda. End of story, now finish packing."


When we arrived at the airport Perry tried talking to me but I ignored her, I don't want to talk to the bitch shipping me away from the only things left of my parents. I got on my plane without a word no goodbyes, no good lucks, no I love you's or I'll miss you's, just silence. Then I was gone from my home, my friends, the boys, my town, my parents. To a place I didn't want to go with new people, girls, no boys, and rules, lots an lots of rules. Perry had made sure I knew them before bed, going over them on the way to the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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