the love triangle

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and there I was waking up sun shining on my face and the breeze coming through my window it felt good everything was beautiful and nice until my alarm clock went off oh crap school!! I jumped out of bed ran to the bathroom brush my teeth and brush my hair and then I got dressed when downstairs and I grab an apple ....  man I'm going to be late for school pulled up in the parking lot in there she was my worst enemy Rebecca Millington man I hate her I hated her ever since the first grade she stole my boyfriend well now that is ex boyfriend oh well ... well well well look who we got here said Rebecca its im Little Miss Perfect . what do you want Rebecca I said pushing her out of my way . why would I want something from you when I already took everything from you Rebecca said with a smirk I rolled my eyes and went on class and suddenly hey grace what's up .  a familiar voice said behind me I turned around  oh hi Matt what's going on I said oh not much just on my way to class  hey are you coming to the festival tonight . um no I don't I don't go to those things I said with a frown oh well maybe next time he said yeah maybe I said well I guess I'll see you later can't be late for history . he turned around and walked away I wonder if he wanted to ask me out or something oh well  class was always boring on to lunch here we go I walked into the lunch room and saw everybody staring to the right what are we looking at did someone die I grabbed the tray started grabbing food and sit down and I ate and I was staring at what they were staring at I couldn't see what they were staying at though until it came in view well he came in view man he's hot is he that's Aaron someone said:  behind me I turn back around to see him again I could finally see what he looks like red and black hair tall buff regular torn jeans white t-shirt leather jacket pair of converse he was not bad looking at all he walked past my table all I was trying to think to myself was don't stare don't stare don't stare but what if he stares at me I'm not the most popular girl  in school but I have a few tricks up my sleeve hi is this seat taken he said voice is deep snap out of it grace he's talking to  you I snap out of my train of thought umm no hear sit down I said Thanks I'm new here I'm Aaron and you are . he asked . I'm grace I said  nice to meet you grace I'm hoping  to see you around sometime he said yeah me I said  so where you from grace .  Mystic Falls I said really me too he said with a big smile man his smile is great . hey there's a rumor that there's a fall festival tonight I have no one else to go with I wanted to see since you're the first person I've met here would you like to go with me . yeah sure why not I said I mean someone's already asked me but I turned him down so yeah sure hey how old are you ? I asked 18 he said you? Im 17 cool I guess I'll see you tonight. he got up and went to class ......... as I watched him leave the lunchroom I got up myself and hop in to my car and left school parked outside of my house I got out ran to the front door unlocked it with my keys I ran upstairs got to my room time to get ready for the Fall Festival tonight but before I get ready I did some writing in my diary and left it right there on that I want my closet what to wear I put on my purple tank top black skinny jeans leather jacket and my combat boots man did I look good went to the bathroom straighten my hair put my makeup on I walked back into my room and I looked over there by my bed I could have sworn I left my diary on the bed ok ok don't panic I said to myself so I just started looking around I look for the  pile of dirty clothes on the bookshelf where did that diary go I looked at the clock 9 o'clock I should be leaving now I went downstairs grab my bag and out the door went to my car and on the way to the Fall Festival.... I pulled up and saw a whole bunch of people some were in costumes and some wasn't I got out and walked around suddenly Hey I turned around Oh  hi Matt I said I thought you don't do like these kind of things he said with A weird tone  yeah but I kind of change your mind I said hey grace I heard someone say behind me I turned around hey Aaron what's going on I said nothing much who's this he asked this is Matt friend of mine I said and this is Matt asked Oh Matt this is

Aaron he's my date I said  oh matt said with a frown are you okay Matt I asked um yeah I guess I'll see you guys later he said in a sad tone what's wrong with Matt I wondered . so tell me about yourself Aaron I said what about he said I don't know live family friends you know. I said well I have one sister and a brother o  do they go to school here too I asked  um yeah they do Nathan and Sara so what about you he asked um me well my brother he's gone to college now and just me and my parents at home his name is chase and he has his own band so I get to listen to my radio do you guys keep in touch he asked um not really I mean sometimes do you have any friends I asked yeah his name's Cole you he asked yeah my best friend's name is hayley I said wow we're already getting random talk about we I said yeah well its good to know each other right he said well you gotta point I said and suddenly as soon as I said that the power went out we heard someone scream across the street power outage! is everyone okay! a man asked everyone said yes we couldn't see anything Aaron Aaron where are you I said I'm right here he said man I can't see a thing hold on I'll be right back he said but wait but he was already gone before I could stop him then he came back with a candle in his hands here hold this he said follow me we went  through the dark crowd there's a power box over there we got over there and he opened it what are you doing I said fixing the power he said  you can't fix it I said  he put his hands in the middle of it don't do that you can get shot! I shouted I saw his hands lit up it was so bright his hands you could see his veins I was screaming stop you could kill yourself! before I could scream the rest out of him  the power was back on his hands were smoking now the red are you okay! I said yeah fine he said laughing I smacked his arm you could get killed! grace relax he said relax! you want to explain to me how you just did that! I said no I'd rather not not now he said I'm sorry I gotta go he said no you're going to explain to me how you just did that you know everybody would have saw that. not I didn't and neither did you he said um excuse me I saw all that the zapping and you're burning hands and the veins I said and panicked listen I'll explain later he said yeah you will because you're coming to my house I said I gave him a piece of paper with my address and my number on it tomorrow night you will explain all this I said you promise you won't tell nobody he said fine I promise ..... I finally got home went upstairs and  I lay down my bed thinking what is he some kind of superhero? he gave the whole Square power again with his hands its like he shot magnetic lightning is scary it wasn't human at all I kept thinking thinking so I finally went to sleep ....... ............ Aarons point of view.....

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