An elf that was in slaved by one of the most horrid humans alive. He hated all creatures except humans. Out of all the creatures he hated elves was the most. The elf was terrified of the human which was lord Buckingham. Buckingham called the elf ... Aegliriell woke up in a panic.
"Are you OK sweetie?" said Aegliriell's mom
"No, I had that dream again." said Aegliriell
"Oh the keeper wants to see you right way, so you better get going." said her mom
Aegliriell got changed and quickly headed over to the keeper when Morohtar stopped her. He was blocking her when Aegliriell she tried to go around him.
"Morohtar you need to move out of the way I have to see your father right away." ,said Aegliriell
"I know that." said Morohtar
"Then get out of the way." said Aegliriell
"I need you to do me a favor for me." said Morohtar
"Is it more importen than seeing your father?"said Aegliriell
"Well not to you ,but to me yes." said Morohtar
"What is it you want me to do?" said Aegliriell
"Well you need to help me with the exporting a cave." said Morohtar
"What cave is it?" said Aegliriell
"The darkness." said Morohtar
"Let me see what your your father wants and then I will help you." said Aegliriell
"You'll help me?" said Morohtar
"When don't I help you." said Aegliriell
"That's true." said Morohtar
Then Morohtar moved out of the way. Aegliriell quickly head over to the Keeper. The Keeper looked furious.
"What took you so long?" said Keeper
"Your son stopped me and I am very, very sorry, so what did you want talk to me about?" said Aegliriell
"I need you to go to the mountain and get calendula for the medicine." said Keeper
"I head out right away." said Aegliriell
"We need that flower as soon as possible." said Keeper
Aegliriell left and headed into the forest.It was a brease getting thorough the forest. Just as she was leaving the forest and going to climb the mountain. Aegliriell started climbing the mountain when she slipped on a wet rock and started to falling. Just as she was about to hit the ground and think thar she was going to die.Aegliriell closed her eyes thinking that no one would save her. When Morohtar caught her in the last second. When opened her eye she was being held by Morohtar. Aegliriell was struggled to get out of his arm ,but his grip only got tiyer.
"Put me down!!" said Aegliriell
"Do I get a thank you?" said Morohtar
"No, now put me down," said Aegliriell
"I am not puting you down untill you thank me." said Morohtar
"Why are you so difficult?" said Aegliriell
'I'm the difficult one." said Morohtar
"Yes, now put me down." said Aegliriell
"If I put you down will you thank me?" said Morohtar
"No,now put me down." said Aegliriell
"Not untill I get a thank you." said Morohtar
"I have to get the flower first then I will thank you." said Aegliriell
"I have the flower right here." said Morohtar
"Give it to me and put me down." said Aegliriell
"You promise you won't runaway." said Morohtar
"I promise, now put me down." said Aegliriell
Morohtar put Aegliriell down and gribbed her wrist. So she can't runaway. Aegliriell looked up into his light brown eyes. Morohtar gave her the flower and dragged Aegliriell to the Darkness.
"I need to give this flower to your father right away." said Aegliriell
"Come on it won't take that long." said Morohtar
"I can't I have to give this flower to your father." said Aegliriell
"Fine go see my dad, I will explore the cave by my self." said Morohtar
Aegliriell left having second thoughs about not helping Morohtar explore the Darkness. While she was in her though Aegliriell bumbed into a sheme. The human turned around and kindly looked at her. Aegliriell looked at him cunfused not knowing what a human was. The sheme was about to say something ,but stopped. Aegiriell just looked at the sheme not knowing what to say. The sheme was talking to his men.
"We are going to take this elf, got it." The Sheme said to his men
Aegliriell heard those words and stared to runing torwards the forest. The sheme's men ran after her. Aegliriell was runing throught the forest as fast she can. She was jumping over the roots ducking under tree branchs. Some of the sheme's men where getting hit by the branches and were tripping over the roots. Aegliriell thought she lost them when she ran into the sheme.
"See men you have to be smarter than the elf, anway what is your name little elf?" The sheme said
"What are you?" Aegliriell
"Human, now what is your name elf." The sheme said
"Why would I tell you my name sheme." Aegliriell
"Now that is what I expect from an elf. I'm Hades now tell me your name I don't want to keep calling you elf." Hades said
"I will never tell a sheme my name. Oh no I dropped the flower." Aegliriell said
"What flower?" Hades said
"Nothing you need to know sheme." Aegliriell said agnerly
"Well then if I can't know I shall do what I was doing be for. ah what shall I call you... I got it Ariel."
"Call me whatever you want sheme." Aegliriell said
"Now let's head back to the palse." said Hades
"I'm not going with you sheme." Aegliriell
"Of course you are Ariel I am going to tell my father I found my true love." Hades said
"What!!" Aegliriell said shocked
"From the moement I saw you I knew you were my true love." Hades said
"Stay away from me." Aegliriell said
"Men you head up to the palse and I will take Ariel up there." Hades said
"Yes, your hightness." the men said.
The men headed torwards the palse. Hades was dragging Aegliriell up the hill because of how much she was struggleing. Then he finaly gave up on dragging her and deiced to carrie Aegliriell over his should. She was still struggling while over Hades 's shoulder. After a coulp hours Aegliriell stopped struggling and was a sleep. Hades swiched carreing posetion into bridle stile. Hades realise what beatyfull purple eyes she had. After a couple more hours they were at the palse.