The evening light filters through,
Barely shining, barely there.
Crickets start to chirp,
The melody of the coming night.
I lay awake in my bed,
Coccooned in a pile of blankets.
Everyone around me was happy,
Everything was fine.
But nobody looks and sees me,
How I feel every painful night,
How I mourn with my melancholy,
Like broken glass falling from the sky,
I am muffled by death,
My wings can't lift me high enough
to find you
to kiss you
to love you.
A new dawn shines through,
Rays of light penetrating,
But I do not see them.
My eyes are too shaded,
By the prospect of death and darkness.
I lay awake in my bed,
Coccooned in a pile of blankets,
Not knowing where you are,
Not knowing why I mourn,
And why I breathe . . . alone.