Chapter 4

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

So my guys found out about my marriage. They just can't believe it. I also told them not to tell anybody. Because it's only between close friends and people. The clock hits 9 pm so i cleaned my desk and went out of my office building.

I got in my car and stayed blank. Why am i even thinking about Jungie? Hais. I don't think i want to go home early. I should eat dinner. I immediately drive to a restaurant.

When i arrive, i got off my car and walk in the restaurant. As usual the staffs greeted me as i gave my usual shot nod. I sit down and ordered. I started tapping my index finger on the table.

My life is ruined. Ruined just because of a stupid contract. My phone rang. It's Jungie. I ignored it. Even if it hurts, i won't even answer the call. Just then my food came.

After i finish eating, i drive to Han River. I got off my car and walk towards a bench. The bench where the promise is made. I stared at the bench, remembering the situation.


It's after school. Me and Jungie went to Han River. We just love going there to hang out, just the both of us. We sit on a bench, facing the wide river.

"Ya, let's make a promise." - Jungie said.

"What promise?" - i asked.

"Let's promise that when we're 20, we will get married." - Jungie said. His face is so serious while i was laughing like a crazy person.

"What even? You're kidding right?" - i said while laughing. It was all silent after that. He must be serious about it.

"Okay." - i said. He smiled widely and hand out his right pinky. I interwhined my pinky with his.

-end of flashback-

I thought he was joking. But nah he was dead serious. He really want to marry me. After that day, he take care of me as if i'm his wife. Until he left without telling me anything.

I sit on the bench as my tears started rolling down my cheeks. Maybe it's not my fate to marry him. Maybe me and Jungie aren't meant to be together. I let out a deep sigh. Maybe this is how our friendship, our promise ends.

"Jungie-ah, I'm sorry. I just can't. Let's go to our own ways now. The promise is no use anymore. It don't mean anything no more." - i said to myself.

I look up, to the river. "It starts here. It ends here." - i said. I got up from the bench and stared at it. I let out a sigh and walk away. I walk slowly next to the river.

After a few minutes, i decided to walk back to my car. I look at my watch and it's almost midnight. How long did i spend time walking? I should just go home. With that, i drive back home.

I park my car and went in my house. "Ji Sae? Ji Sae! Where have you been? Are you all right?" - eomma asked worriedly while holding onto my shoulders.

I nodded. "I just have too many work to do. I'll go upstairs first." - i said, giving a light smile. I walk upstairs to my room and place my bag on my desk.

I sit down on my bed and stared at nothing. I'm getting too emotional. And i hate it. I'm usually not like this. What happen to you Ji Sae? C'mon, you're strong. You're stronger than any guys out there. C'mon, why do you even have to care about Jungie?

The both of you are nothing anymore. Wake up Ji Sae. I put that thought and feelings away. I got up from my bed and take a shower. After i'm done, i jumped to my bed and sleep.

The next morning...

I got up by the alarm. I sit up lazily and let out a grunt. I tied my hair to a messy bun and open my eyes. I got up from my bed and take a shower.

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