The Perception of Perfection

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The speaker's voice bounced off the walls of the restaurant, "Everything that happened has been unfortunate, but they will be okay. What would your beloved children think if they were to see you now?" He adjusted his tie. "Tomorrow is the beginning of a new year, and change will be brought, so keep your heads high and your hopes up!"

Although no applause ran through the crowd, many features began softening, creases appearing less permanent and the imprint of tears drying upon flushed cheeks.

Gradually, the families started to rise, many making their way to the exit. Nicky decided to stay behind and package the decorations she brought, rather than returning tomorrow as she originally planned. After exchanging pleasantries with the leaving guests, she began to wrap up the large spool of dark red rope she bought to adorn the walls. It was originally a very bright pink, but time and wear had taken their toll. Nicky had tried her best to scrub it clean, but to no avail. She found that it was best to simply dye it a darker colour, and fortunately for her, today's colour theme was red and grey.

She continued to collect her belongings. While leaning down to pick up the wires she was greeted by a pair of slightly torn grey sneakers. She jumps the smallest bit before craning her neck up to see Juliane, her old friend's brother, standing above her. Pushing herself up by her palms, she stands up and dusts off her dress.

"Juliane! It's been so long! How's everything going?" she beams. The last time she talked to Juliane was around last November, after May went missing. He really missed his sister, and he had not talked to anyone for a long time after her disappearance. She remembers catching glimpses of him driving away when she would return from dance practice late at night, the street lamps creating shadows over the hollows below his cheeks and his bags more prominent than they ever were. He did not look better.

"I can't get over it Nicky. I just can't..." his voice drifts away as he stares down at his sneakers. His eyes were dark, as if all the light was sucked out of them. As if the impact of that event still drains them of their shine today. Placing her hand upon his shoulder, she stares him in those dim eyes and smiles sympathetically.

"I understand it's hard Jul, but how would she feel if she saw you like this? Of course you won't be able to get over it, she's your sister, but please Jul, take care of yourself." She wraps her arms around him and holds him until she feels his heartbeat relaxing and breaths decreasing in frequency.

He was the first to step back. "Ever since that night you went out with her Nicky, she was odd. I-I just can't piece together what happened."

"Jul, nothing happened on that night, I told you."

He let out a strangled breath and stared up at her. "I know! I know. But, they haven't found her yet! And for all I know it could have been anyone!" He sighed, "It's just not fair. She didn't do anything wrong."

"She was a bit cynical. It can be insulting. I would hear the girls talk about her sometimes," proclaimed Nicky.

"But she was real, Nicky. Much different than those idiot girls."

Nicky feels her shoulders stiffening and she began to play with her fingers."It could have been her appearance which attracted the wrong company. She was beautiful and she had the most gorgeous hair, " instinctively, she runs her hand through her own hair, "I'm sorry Jul, I can't do much, but tell me if you need anything okay?"

He groans and runs his sweaty fingers through his wet hair as he takes one last glance at her before turning away.

" I have to go. Thanks Nicky." He turns around, and walks, almost runs, out of the building. She would visit him later to clear the air.

Nicky finishes packing her things and leaves the restaurant. Walking through the dark alone had never been one of Nicky's favourite things to do. She could sense the shadows creeping up her spine and the feeling of unease gliding over her as she would turn each corner. Fortunately for her, her house was not far, and as soon as she knew it, she was home.

As she walked up to her closet in search for the dress she planned to wear she felt slightly nervous. She did not know many of the people attending the party, but her friend had constantly assured her that she would be alright.

She recalled their last conversation.

"I don't know Erin, I don't know anyone but you and Matt, and you two will be too busy eating each others face to notice me."

A laugh erupted from Erin. "Don't be silly Nicky, Everyone will love you! Hell! I haven't met a single person who doesn't love you."

Nicky grins, "thanks Erin, but that's not true... I'm just average, not everyone can love me."

Erin rolled her eyes. "You're not average Nicky, you're effin perfect!"

Snapping back into reality, Nicky stares down in disappointment at the mess in her closet. As she reaches for her dress from the top shelf her own bright eyes draw towards the colour-drained ones, who so desperately plead up at her behind silent screams. Hair scatters the floor around her feet and she sighs. She would have to clean it up after she came back, blood and vomit were not enjoyable scents. 

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