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Oh hello there I didn't see you there!! WELCOME TO MY THOUGHTS!! You will be in a world of pure imagination!!

Pulse I draw... YAY!! sssooo.... ya that's all yep you can go now... WHY U STILL READING THIS!?!? GO OUTSIDE OR SOMETHING!! lol nnaaa when you speak to me outside is not real. Unless there is ice cream.

I always thought that outside was scary. Why you may ask. (even if you didn't ask oh well) Whell there are many many things that can get you in the dark or in the day. Now while that sits in your mind and you start thinking about all the things that can get you I will tell you a story ok ok. ( if you didn't want to hear it TO BAD YOU READ IT ANYWAY!)

This story will make you feel better.

There once was a unicorn.It was as white as snow. Its eyes where green as grass. Then there was... wait it... IT WAS YOU! You walked up the the unicorn and started to pet it? After petting it y.. YOU GOT ON IT! The unicorn then flew off into the sunset with you on its back. After that yall became best friends!!

That probably made you feel better. And if it didn't then I'm sorry (not. lol savage.)


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