Chapter 14.

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Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart

Tears don't mean your losing

Everybody bruising

Just be true to who you are ~ Who you are, Jessie J.

Chapter 14.

"W-why what?" I asked him, not sure if I really want to hear the answer.

"Why did you do that after I told you all of these. Does these mean nothing to you? I told you all I had to say and you just became his girlfriend?" He asked, no one was walking anymore. We both stand still. 

"Not everything is about you Harry. Because you said all of these doesn't mean that I can be all happy now. It happened and I can't forget what you had said to me. You can't control me." I said as my neck veins were ready to pop out.

"You know what? I just waist my time with you. I shouldn't have promised you anything because you really don't deserve anything."

Every word felt like a stab right in my heart making me weaker and weaker. My breathing becoming heaver as my vesion started to blur 'cause tears threaten to fall.

"So you break your promise, like you broke me?" I said, my voice sounded weak and helpless. I couldn't help it.

"This promise means nothing. Just forget about that. You're not mine to care about, you're taken. You're no one. " He said and instantly disappeared in front of my eyes. He was running away from me. Leaving me broken, like he always did.

So I run as well, but not at the direction that I was walking before. I was running back home while fat tear where unstoppable falling from my eyes.

When I finally got there. I closed the door with too much force I can tell because even China people could hear the loud 'thumb'. Luckily my mum has already left. I didn't want her to see me like that. I went straight to my room, throwing my backpack down and instantly collapsing on my bed.

"You really don't deserve anything."

He really said that. He didn't mean anything when he drag me away. He broke everything, like he always did. The tears couldn't stop falling. I'm unloved, I'm no one. My chest was raising and falling unstoppably. Fuck, what happening to me?

"Amy?" I heard a voice coming closer to me.

I didn't even react. I was so lost at my own thoughts and all this crying shit.

"Amy, what the hell is going on?" he said this time grabbing me from my arms and push me up so I could meet his eyes.

"Leave me alone, Niall." I said revoming my arms from his grip.

"I'm not leaving with you like that." he said this this time hugging me tightly. My head was on his chest as his arms were protectively around me.

"Now tell me."

"I don't want to talk about that." I said, mt voice sore from all the crying.

"No. You'll tell me!" he protested, now removing me from his embrace and holding me in front of him, looking me deep in the eyes.

"It's not your business Niall." I said a little bit harshly than I wanted to.

"It is. Amy you're my baby sister, if you're sad I'm sad. If you're happy I'm happy too. You just don't understand that when you're upset I'm the one who hurting the most seeing you like that because no one loves you like I do. I'm always be here for you. Maybe sometimes I'm overprotective but I'm doing this because I just don't want you to end up hurt."

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