Prologue-"Stay with me, please."

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"Just a little further, okay? Hang in there." The two panted as they stumbled through the woods. It was just a little further away. We can make it, I kept thinking this over and over. I stopped as Jared tripped over something and fell to the floor. "I can't," he gasped. "I can't go any further." I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up but he fought against me. "Come on. We're almost there," He only shook his head at me. "I'm not gonna make it." I looked in the direction that the sirens were coming from and nodded. "Okay, I'll run and get help. Just keep pressure on that." I took his hands and pressed them onto the wound on his stomach.

As I stood up, he grabbed ahold of my wrist. "Wait, don't go." I look back in the direction of the sirens than back at him. His shirt was soaked in blood, there was blood on his pants and hands, as well as blood on my hands and clothes. He had lost to much blood, I couldn't afford to lose anymore time. "I'll be right back, only a minute. You'll be stitched up and all better." He was starting to look so pale, I wasn't going to lose him too. "We both know there's no use. Not with those things running around. The hospital will be packed, that's why that siren is still going. Stay with me, please. I don't want to be alone."

He was right, there was no help to get. I've seen enough movies to know that a hospital is the worse place to go. Biting my lip, I fell to my knees and pulled his head onto my lap. "Thank you," he whispered as he gently closed his eyes. I squeezed my eyes closed as I felt the tears form. I couldn't cry, not in front of him, so I kept them at bay. When I opened them again, he was looking up at me. My little brother, my sweet little brother. Next week was suppose to be his fifteenth birthday and now he would never see it.

"Hey, sis? Remember talking about a place to call our own?" I simply nodded to him, knowing my voice would crack if I spoke. "After we left a foster home and moved onto a new one, we'd always talk about it. Living somewhere safe, knowing all of our neighbors and having grill outs every weekend. Think we'll ever live there?" I took a deep breath, calming myself before I spoke, "Of course. We'll have a dog and you'll get married to your highschool sweetheart. You'll have two kids and a job that you love. Just like the people on t.v." Jared smiled at this as his eyes were once again close. He always dream of a simple life like that.

We sat there for a few minutes when he started coughing, violently. Blood spewed from his mouth onto his hand as he used it as cover. I pulled him up into my arms as he started wheezing. "Come on, Jared. You're okay, just calm down. You'll be fine, you're gonna be fine." Lies. I knew there was no way of stopping it. No way of saving him. But I still wanted to believe, for the slightest second, that he was truly okay. But no matter how hard I wished for it, his last breath was breathed and I watched him slip away.

Once he was gone, I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. My body shook as I held him tightly in my arms. "No, please, no. Don't die, Jared. Don't leave me here alone." My words were muffled as I had my face muffle into the nook of his neck. I was there for atleast an hour, just crying. I couldn't believe he was gone, I didn't want to believe it. This was nothing but a very bad dream and none of it was true. But it was all to true and that truth was proven as a set of teeth bite down onto my shoulder. I let out a blood curdling scream, dropping my brother, as I pulled away from the thing that had bit into me.

Turning, I stared up at the walking corpse, the skin that once covered his mouth was gone and I could see his flesh and teeth. His clothes were ripped and covered in blood. His stomach was ripped open and all of his intestines hung out of the large hole. From his mouth hung the chunk he took from my shoulder. Before I could react, it lunged for me.


Oh!  Cliff hangers, gotta love them. Hoped you liked it.

Don't forget...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2014 ⏰

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