Ass for Assia

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1. I went to a private school for 7 years with the same people!!! fun! (Sarcasm)

2. I'm a Pisces (((((((:

3. I listen to any kind of music but country and that screamo stuff.

4. Bob's Burgers is my fav show and my fav is Louise

5. I have a dog named Clancy

 I have a dog named Clancy

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6. I live in California in the Bay Area

7. Fuck Bron Bron. Lmao jk Lebron James is a good guy but ya know... WARRIORS1!!1!1

8. One Direction has been taking over my life for 4 years. I've been through a lot

9. I play volleyball for both club and high school!!

10. I love memes

This one is my fav because it explains my life ((((:

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This one is my fav because it explains my life ((((:

11. Low key like school except waking up early

12. I haven't had my first kiss yet ////:

13. I'm white, Filipino, spaniard, Norwegian, and Irish! Fun!!!

Okay so basically I only know one person on wattpad and that's kaitlynkanani so Rittaaaa please do this ((: gucccier this was fun so thank you for tagging me. Anyway enjoy reading stuff about myself. If I misspelled stuff it's currently 12:25 A.M. So please give me a break. Anyway I'm gonna get back to watching Netflix.
- Asia

:)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora