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"Im sorry your in here... I wish you back at home with me." The words come out of my mouth in shaky exhales, my mothers watering eyes flick around my face examine everyone of my freckles. he smile dosent flinch as my hand gently strokes across her pale face wiping the small wet drop of water running down from her eyes, I len down running my hand over her bare head as I place a small gentle kiss on the top of her head. "they will find a way to make you better, then we can go see a movie or something." finally her smile moves and her hand runs over the top of mine, "a movie sound great." I smile gently but the tears dripping onto the hostpital bed shows my true feelings.

"miss jenson, im sorry but you need to leave." my eyes don't leave my mothers face, I lean down once again and place another kiss on the tp of her head. all I want is my body to creat a shield were I can prtect my mum, I standup running my hand down her arm before finally turning away and picking up my backpack, a small sob comes out of my mouth as I walk past the urse holding the door open. my eyes glance around the rooms as I hear rying ans d sobbing as well as the occasional scream coming from inside he rooms, I opn te door and eave the cancer ward.

the light glares at me with its heavy eyes as I step outside, I wipe the tears of my face and take a deep breathe before looking down at the screen of phone tp check th time. I read the number sand slip the small rectangle back into my pocket, I lift my bike of its side and swing my leg over. slowly the burn in my legs begins to rise as I begin peddling my way toards the school, the cars stride by and I can almost feel them glaring at me as they do. I keep my head down and breathe through the painful heat coursing through my muscles.

"hey get a loud of this!" I can hear people calling out to me, I try to peddle faster but the car catches up and slows down next to me. "hey Dakota... still cant afford a car while your paying those hostpital bills, don't worry im sure your mum will diw soon then you can have all her money." the words hit me like a brick and I fell the burning intensity to jump into their car and lash out. finally I look up and see who I presumed was talking to me. a slim girl sits in the passenger seat her fake blonde hair wipping over her shoulder as the car glides through the wind, her boyfriend sits in the drivers seat. his big muscles showing through the small singlet he chooses to wear. "leave me alone jess." I call pushing my legs harder trying to get away. the engine reves and I watch in the corner of my eyes as the car swerves and clips the side of my bike, the handles fly out of grip. my body flips as I catapult onto the grass and tumble down the hill, my bike hitting me as it tumbles down with me. my sceams echo through the air as the car disappears in a cloud of gass, I try to breathe through the pain but I cant. its not physical pain, but what I keep bottled up cant be spoken. my eyes explode as tears come flooding out in all different ways. I stand picking up my bike and throwing it to the side, I tak eone more glance at the road although I don't see much through the tears, my head turns away as I sob uncontrollably and I run. the trees ahead of me covering me as I disappear into the bush, a place safer than anywhere with people.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and sit down next to the water swelling in front of me, i take a few deep breaths and stand up.
Normally i dont go anywhere near the water but write now i dont want to be anywhere near anyone that can breathe and walk on two legs, i start slowly step by step walkinb towards the water. My feet begin seeping with water until il walking in as deep as my knees. The cold shivers run up my legs and through my spine as i walk deeper and deeper into the lake, i can almost hear the water calling me as if to say that i belond there. As if it wants me to go deeper and submerge myself beneathe its watery arms, like im the one its been waiting for.
My lungs fill with air before i submerge myself completely, my fave goes under water and i open my eyes. Everything is white and silky and i feel as though i can almost see someone stretching out their hand asking me to join them in the depth of the cold water.
I swim deeper and deeper ignoring ther pounding feeling inside my head almost like someone was in there telling me to go back, i feel my mouth open and water rushes into it. I spit the water back out and shake my head, the pounding feeling gets geavier and heavier but i dont stop swimming, something down there was calling me into the water. Its very likely i was imagining it, a way for my mind to reliev tension but something was pushing me further like this wasnt an hallucination it was real and someone was calling me to go deeper into it safe watery arms.
My mind goes blank and the safness i had before dissapears, the white silky feeling of the water is no longer the and my whole body goes numb. I dont move but something below me does, a light flicks on and i face death one on one. Without a moment of hesitation i let death hold me in its arms, thats when i realise someone was holding me in their arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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