Chapter 1

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"Attention!", Every solider straightened up, standing in precise lines. Rows stretched out as far as the eye could see, it looked as if there where miles of perfectly uniform men and women with rifles across their chests looking up to their Fleet Admiral. "Dedicated, loyal, strong, fierce...", Sengoku was seen on the screen, a smile tugging at his lips, revealing his age with intense smile lines. "All of you have shown me that you possess these qualities.. As of today, each and every one of you will move forward, though the heart of the Marines! As of today, you are a soldier of the world government, the strongest power in the entire world!" Cheers rang through from all sides, people wept in happiness of their accomplishment, others hugged their comrades. A weight lifted over an entire generation of recruits in this very moment, all at once.

Despite the immense joy that wafted through the air, all you could do was smile softly at the sky 'I'm a marine', It had been horrendous training. Sit ups until you threw up, running until someone had to retrieve you and take you back to base due to your legs giving out, miles of crawling though mud, and sparring with some of the strongest people in the world. Everyone had grown since basic training. Those who weren't cut out to be in the Marines, were sent back to their villages, and those who stayed, reaped the benefits of hard work and dedication.

Later that evening, a banquet was held in the honor of those who had graduated earlier that morning. Ladies wore floor length, shimmering dresses with pendants of the Navy's crest dangling from the chains around their necks. Men wore suits with their hats covering their heads or a pin given to every graduate on their blazer.


This was it, you had finally accomplished something amazing.




You shot up with a start, gasping a little bit from the sudden voice ringing through your sensitive eardrums. "I-I'm awake!", You shot to attention, throwing your flat, slanted hand up in a salute, your legs pressed tightly together in a straightened posture.

Vice Admiral Momonga sighed, his fingers coming to pinch the bridge of his nose, "You're useless, you know that? Pay attention during your watch, (Name). What if Whitebeard were to show up?", Admittedly, the Navy was on thin ice with the war. At any moment, Whitebeard could launch his attack to reclaim Firefist Ace,  and if you were happily asleep right in the middle of it, it wouldn't be beneficial for you or your comrades.

"Y-yes sir..", You said defeated, sighing as you leaned against the wall behind you, a rifle pressed tightly to your chest.

As Momonga walked away, he mumbled something about 'damned sleeping soldiers", and rounded the corner. In complete reality, you had been awake late the night before to renew your license with the Marine's. Every soldier had to renew their license every 5 years, and it had been your first time trying to figure out the logistics of the process.

Your eyes drooped to the floor, and you dared to doze off again, before heavy footsteps approaching terrified you from your stupor. You immediately straightened, "IWASNOTSLEEPINGVICEASMIRALMOMONGA!", You spit out, eyes shooting open.

The man stopped at your words and turned back a little to glance at you quizzically. He registered your words slowly, as if taking his time while he carefully assessed each word with a lazy pause, and that was the first moment your realized that the man to pass you was not Momonga.

"Oh.. I-", You stammered before his sudden smile halted you from continuing.

The man let out a chuckle, and touched the sleeping mask across his forehead. Upon noticing it, you offered him a face of intrigue. "It's never a bad time for a nap.", He said with a knowing wink, and turned his back to you, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked away.

You felt yourself blush a little in embarrassment and then smile. If other people made silly mistakes like that as well, maybe you weren't as useless as Momonga had said.

(A/N: Set before the war, also I'll be making more of this!)

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