cold blue

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The window breeze drew against his skin as he sat against the cracked wall, legs pulled upto his chin tears finally finding there way down his face as he wrapped himself into a shaking ball coldness and blue shades of sadness filling his soul , voices and mesmoried flashbacks flaming into his mind he tries to shake them away , his eyes sting into the darkness of the room , pain and hurt swirling in his body remembering his past full of happiness and family laughter until that day changed

Midsummer 1984 high school....

"Remember your schedule for next week and DONT BE LATE TO YOU'R EXAM!"

The woman bellowed in an tired manner leaning her back against the chalk board her brown curls falling back with her as she let out a deep breath

Looking up slowly towards the front of the class i watched on carelessly through my eyelashes as the teacher ordered everyone to do as told the other half , leather lads and dollcats chewed on their attitude as they strolled past the teacher giving her glares as they left they're the popular folks of the place and even i know not to mess with them they're stronger than me and have tatoos tch

Everyone left and i was draped over my desk exhausted from the long day i decided to screw my jumper up and compact it as a pillow before flopping my fluffed hair down for some shut eye the summer heat burning through the window onto my arms and across the classroom masking each wall as i felt my body drift off into relaxation


running through the golden meadows butterflies fly above your head the big oak trees surround you as you breath in all the fresh air you reach you'r finger tips towards the sky smiling at the warmth of the summer delight the hot blazing sun piercing across the shadowed areas of the grounds masking your body with hapiness you spin round , round and round until you stop and fall to the ground everything begins shaking as you with stand quickly realising you'r sudden surroundings the sun disappearing leaving darkness that masks around the fields a navy blue mixing with the darkness of the sky a dark shadow looms against the trees jumping in many directions until everything falls silent only your shaky breath is only to be heard you turn round until a powerful force knocks you to the floor leaving your vision blurred and blackened

Out of the dream.....

Jumping up and my dark eyes quickly smack open in suprise the classroom was empty and the moon was beautifully shining throught the half open blinds i fipound myself grow into a panic damn it I've been here a good few hours by the look of it whats strange is no one woke me up.....strange ain't the word right now i felt my eyes staring around the classroom for what felt like minutes processing where i am

Pulling my palm upto my face i slid it down towards my chin sighing in despair and found myself quickly thinking of how I'm gonna get out of here , grabbing my jumper i pulled it on over my head and walked towards the glassed door opening it and creeped out into the varnished corridoors jesus its creepy at night this is the last place i would ever want to be right now

Looking around i eyed the corners of the doors for someone to be at least here to let me out i felt fear creep upon me i expected to see zombies running around the corner at some point it was that atmosphere you could just predict hugghh

Minutes passed and the sound of footsteps slowly approached behind me as i walked down along the lockers scanning for an exit door before spinning round my body snapped it's attention to the back of me i felt my breath hitch heavily , seeing coldness smoke into the air from my heated throat i buried my hands into my pockets turning back around and carried on walking , each step i take the colder the atmosphere got , my skin gaining goosebumps from the oncoming shivers that shot through my spine but i still carried on walking until....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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