A Cheater's Confessions

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So this is my new story..not sure if I'll carry with it though, let me know if its actually any good?:)

This is really short, but the other chapters will be much longer..

-vicky xo

A Cheater's Confessions (prologue)

I've always hated people that cheat in relationships. I never really understood - if you don't care about the person your with enough that your willing to cheat, why not just end the relationship? The selfishness and hurt that people feel because of it is unbelievable.

That was until the day I cheated. I finally understood why people went through all the secrecy and lies. Sometimes its because of selfishness, or anger, or they're too high on drugs and alcohol. Hell, sometimes its just to prove that they actually can.

The day I cheated, it was for revenge. The same as it was the day after, and the day after that.

Its pretty safe to say, I hate who I am now. Not that its stopping me anymore; the little voice in your head that tells you when your doing the stupidest thing in the whole world? Yeah, I've learnt to ignore that now.

So, any good? Comment, vote etc.

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