Chapter 1

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*Kylie's Pov*

Hi. As you know, I'm adopted. I don't remember much about my past family. All I know is one day they left me home alone, and never came back. I am typical, I guess you would say? I'm not sure. Connor never told Sam, Ricky, or Kian that I was adopted. Jc knows because I told him. They all think I am his original sister. Jc is my best friend. The rest of them I sorta distance myself from. I am 17, by the way. I am around 5'2. I like my height, I am told its 'cute' . I dropped out of high school and Jc, Connor, and Kian don't go. Anyway, enough about me. Lets continue with what I am doing now.

Jc and I are at the mall together. Him being 18, he can drive.  I can too, I just don't like to. I have three penny boards. 1 that is black and yellow, in which I call Batman. One that is red and blue, I call him Superman, and one, my personal favorite, Joker. He is green and purple. I was broken out of my thoughts by Jc. "Which Vans do you like better, the blue or maroon ones?" "I don't know, just get both. If it were me I would get the maroon ones because its my favorite color." I said. He stood there for a few more minutes. "How about, I buy the Maroon Vans, and you buy the blue ones, and you can borrow the maroon ones from me." I said. He sorta laughed. "yeah, I guess. Gosh I have small feet" He answered. "Well?" he laughed and we got the Vans and walked out. "Time check?" Jc asked me. "4:30" I answered. "Okay" he said. We walked into a smoothie place. I got a banana and strawberry smoothie. "I want new Ray-bans" I said. "Didn't you just get a pair last week when we came?" He asked. "No Jc, that was you" I said. "Oh, gosh I am with you a lot." He said. I shrugged and we walked around a little more. Around 4:40 we went home. We got in the car and I put on my new Ray-bans and Jc got his from their holder. He turned up the radio and the car boomed loudly, vibrating the seats. I rolled down my window and Jc stopped at a gas station. "Hey can I drive?" I asked. Jc nodded. I smiled and got out and went to the other side of the car. After Jc was done he payed and got in the passengers seat. I pulled out and started speeding up. "Hey slow down, you're gonna get a ticket" Jc said. "Like there are any police around" I said. Then there were flashing light behind us. Jc laughed at me and I rolled my eyes. I pulled over and waited for the guy to come. He started walking up, the window was already down. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asked. "Yeah, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway" I said. "License and registration please" He said. I gave it to him. "Why were you speeding anyway?" He asked. "Ummm well, you dog died, and I just found out and I just needed to get home and-" I began trying to make myself cry by wining. I didn't actually cry but it sounded like I was. "And my mom just left my dad and we are having a really hard time and-" He cut me off. "Okay, okay, I get it. But you could at least have the flashers on" He said. I faked a sniff.  He ripped a piece of paper and handed it to me"Really" I said."Yes, I am sorry for your loss" He handed me my stuff and I rolled up the window. "Jesus I hate when you get pulled over, you're gonna need a new back up story" Jc said. I laughed. "It'll be okay" I said. 

We got home and I sat my keys in the marble bowl we have by the door. We walked into the kitchen, where the boys spend most their time. Kian was sitting on the Island, and Ricky was cooking. Connor was upstairs, obviously. They both looked at us. "Where have you been?" Kian asked. I held up the ticket. Kian laughed a bit. "Awe did your usual back story not work this time?" He teased me. "Oh suck it" I said. We have always teased each other. Jc sat down at the bar we have and spun around to face all of us. I slid in next to Kian. "Who ya textin'?" I asked. He moved his phone a bit. "None of your business" He said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone. He snatched at it and I jumped off the island. I turned a corner to run down the hallway. Kian grabbed my wrist and I stumbled. I was about to hit the wall face first but I turned and my back hit it and Kian put his hand up above me to stop from hitting me. "Gimme" He said. "Oh, 5 much? Why can't I know?" I said, not reading it yet. "Because its my business, not ours" he said. "Good point" I said. I looked at his phone which was down by my side and so did he. He reached for it and I stuck it behind me, causing him to stumble into me. It then got awkward. I handed him his phone and left. I walked upstairs. Kian and I, the way we tease each other, you would think we were siblings. It never gets awkward though. Never. I didn't think much about it.


I walked downstairs and sat by Jc. "Watcha up to?" I asked. "lurking on twitter" he said. I looked at Kian. "And you?" I asked. "Texting people" he said, still looking at his phone. "Really? Im surprised they answered you" I joked. "Oh fuck you, okay?" he said. "I'd rather not" I said. "You know what I meant." He said in a duh voice. "Did I?" I asked. "I don't know you're pretty stupid" He said. "I know, I have been around you too much, probably why I am so girly too. See ya!" I stood up and walked back upstairs. Gosh I love messing with him.

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