On are way to austrilia

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Beep beep beep
I wake up and look at the clock and it reads 6:30 am ugh it's time to pack  I grabbed three suit cases out of my closet and pack clothes and important stuff I need chargers makeup blah blah blah  I go down stairs to see my mom making breakfast .

"Hey mom " I say
" hey honey , do you have everything packed and ready"
"Yes mom "

I set the table for me my mom and my little brother josh 
After I finish setting the table and I go up into joshes room and wake him up I see all his stuff is packed already.

"Hey josh wake up mom made breakfast we leave in two hours so get ready we still have a lot to do"

He mumbles and throws a pillow at me 
" hey you little shit wake up" I say
"I'm up I'm up" , " hey race u down stairs " he says

We both bolt down the stairs and he trips down the last 5 so that made me when 

" haha loser " I say in his face
"Kids quit playing and come eat u still have to go to ur dads and pack mor clothes "

We went into the kitchen and ate we grabbed all are bags and threw them in the back of are Avalanche and head to my dads just down the road he had are bags packed already for us so he helped us pack the stuff the car ride was like an hour to the air port it started raining so I pulled out my iPod and put on some twenty one pilots and plugged in my head phones

* hour later *
We arrived at the air port and mom mom did all the stuff we needed to do before we could fly me and josh went to Starbucks and we got double chocolate chip tall  and birthday cake pops and we headed back to my mom and we are about to board are flight I can't wait to see my aunt Sydney haha ironic because she lives in Sydney Australia we got on the plane and me and josh fell asleep real quick because we are afraid of planes we slept that whole day away without even eating the next day we were about to land that was  shorter then we expected  when we got to land at the airport we seen my aunt Sydney with her 17 year old daughter Emma and her 14 year old son mason yeah me and my cousin are like twins were both 17 and the boys are both 14  anyways I run up and hug her and Emma and mason I've missed you all so much o say we exchanged small talk for a little while before heading to the car to go to there house when we finally arive at my aunts house that is huge my cousin Emma shows us all to are rooms my room has like a window and the it's the roof to the garage and it's the same as the house next to them there houses are almost connected anyways my room was black and had white music notes all over and a black bed spread and it was all black like my soul jk I'm pretty sweet I unpacked all my stuff put up posters and all that and then I went down stairs to hand out with my family  me and my cousin Emma go back up to her room to hang out she has a really pretty room TBH it's like the size of my living room

We started just talking about random stuff then we decided to talk about boys she asked if I had a boyfriend I told her no sadly and she asked me how I'm so beautiful with my slim body light brown hair and blue eyes and the way I do my makeup is perfect I laugh and tell her that she was the beautiful one and she has a boyfriend name jax and that the have been together for 6 months  it ended up getting really late but we didn't care we missed eachother soooooo much and we needed to catch up after 3 hours of continued talking Emma pulled out her phone and took selfies of us and posted them everywhere and then a guy commented and said who is she with heart eyes Emma told him to follow me on Instagram she must know him because they have texted before  I asked Emma who he was and she had told me that he is there neighbor and that he has the room right next to mine I was like wait what she laughed for 10 minuets until are moms came up and told us that it was time for bed we checked the clock and it seemed to be 1:30 am I actually felt pretty tired I went to my room and layed in bed on my phone not iPod yea I have too phones but I was on Instagram and that kid did add me his name is Jacob and he's actually really cute he has blonde hair and green eyes that had a tint of brown I ended up messaging him and asking him about him self we had a full on conversation it was really fun and he was really sweet I think I like him

A/n hey guys I'm sorry it's a shirt chapter like thing but it will get a lot longer and the story will get better okay bye guys love you all

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