15 things about me

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The13thRaven, thekennedylifealways, thekennedys and  Daleyeah88 all tagged me, thank you dolls!


Number one: I am 28 years old I will be 29 on October 2nd

Number two: My hubby and I have known each other since birth, we went to the same daycare and elementary school,  we were friends, til 6th grade when he asked me to be his girlfriend and we dated til we graduated than shortly after graduation we got married

Number three: I have a 2 year old little girl who is my mini me, we both have red hair and blue eyes and our faces have the same contures, my oldest daughter is 4 and she looks like a minuture version of her daddy, I have also had 3 miscarriages
:( and  currently praying for a boy!

Number four: I am obsessed over jack and Jackie Kennedy have been since 1997 when I had to do a school report on jfk, I love reading anything I can about them, and no matter what they say about them I will always love them!

Number five: I love country music especially Luke Bryan and Florida Georgia Line, I have seen luke in concert 7 times so far and fgl 4 times so far...

Number six: my favorite TV show is 'the middle'

Number seven: I used to be a total tomboy, I loved to play soccer, softball and basketball, now over the past 4 years I am still pretty much a tomboy but I am also starting to be more girlie, try to be like Jackie Kennedy

Number eight: I have an inatagram that I am never on, I also have a tumbler and a Facebook if anyone would like to follow me or be my friends on there just pravite message me.

Number nine: I love to play mini golf and race go carts

Number ten: I have broken my wrist 3 times so far and have had like 20 sprained ankles

Number eleven: I love to read, when I am not reading on here I go to the local library once a week

Number twelve: I am totally obsessed with the 1950s and the 1960s, I think it would be totally awesome to have lived back than!

Number thirteen: I am voting for Trump

Number fourteen: I grew up on an old back dirt road about 20 minutes away from anything, there's a human made pond and a small lake, I have also had a pig, duck, baby chicks as pets...currently my hubby and two girls and I now live here and my girls have horses, pigs, puppies, baby chicks currently as pets!

Number fifteen: I am not very superstitious but I do believe in angels

And now I tag:


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