Chapter 1: Welcome to the Elessa Region

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"A massive diamond was unearthed from the Hema City mines this morning, and breaks the record for being the largest diamond in the region! It is currently being housed at the Alexandria Town Museum, where it will be on dis--"

The newswoman on the television was cut short by Matt's mother, screen flickering off as the much more real woman directed a fondly exasperated look towards her son. "The Professor names you specifically to go on a journey and you're still watching TV?" she started, watching as the boy sprang up from his bed. Noticing he was still dressed in his pajamas, she sighed and shook her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

"I'm sorry Mom, I'll get ready now! Sorry!" Matt zipped over to his closet and quickly changed into his normal attire, throwing on a black and white striped shirt as he simultaneously tried to pull on a pair of black jeans. Somehow managing without tripping over a pant leg, he slipped into an equally dark jacket and grabbed his backpack as he rushed downstairs.

"You're lucky you're not late!" his mother scolded. "Go on now! Your friends are waiting for you."

"Thanks, Mom, see you soon I love you!" Matt shouted hurriedly as he ran out the door to greet his friends. Aimee was a girl just an inch taller than him, much to her repeated amusement, with rust-colored hair that brushed her shoulders and bright, sea-green eyes that shone with spirit.

"Jeez, and I thought I was slow!" she teased as he approached. Marc stood to the side, laughing. The male was even taller than them with black hair and dark eyes, and a mysterious presence that belied the marshmallow underneath.

"C'mon guys, you didn't have to wait," Matt said, slowing his run down to a walk as he closed the distance between them.

"We know. We're going on a journey together, so we should start it together," Marc replied, looking down at Matt with a smile.

"Yeah," Aimee added. "The professor just wants us at his lab in Geodale Town sometime today, too. So no rush."

Matt, Aimee, and Marc had been friends for quite some time. Living in Coalfall Town, Matt and Aimee had been friends since birth, and when they were ten Marc moved into town with his family after his parents had retired from their jobs as Ursaring trainers in a circus from Kalos. The three had been fast friends ever since, and bantered back and forth as they made their way to the middle of town.

"Ah, you must be the soon-to-be trainers!"

They looked over to see a woman in a lab coat, who opened a cylindrical container cradled in her arms when they gave a nod. "I've got your Pokemon right here. Each of you, choose one!"

"What are there to choose from?" Ever the thoughtful one, Marc queried the woman to get a better idea of what his choices were -- though completely failed to notice how his friends had already each picked up a Pokeball.

"Go!" Aimee and Matt both yelled, red-and-white orbs expanding to their full size as the teens called out their randomly selected Pokemon.

A light blue, bipedal Pokemon with sharp teeth and red spines on its back smiled proudly up at its trainer and posed, obviously showing off a bit. "Totodiiile!"

"It's so cool!" Aimee exclaimed, kneeling down to examine her starter more closely.

As the two made their first interactions, Matt was doing the same with his own Pokemon -- a small, mint-green quadruped that donned darker green orbs around its neck and a large leaf that sprouted from its head. It smiled warmly at its trainer as he picked it up in his arms, trilling its name as he let out a laugh. "I'll take this one! I can't say no to something this cute," he declared, placing his Chikorita back down.

"I guess that leaves me with this one. Go!" Marc yelled, sending out the third starter. It was short, with a long snout and two-toned coloring on its back and belly. Four red spots dotted the bluish fur on its back.

"Marc has Cyndaquil then, it's decided!" the lab assistant said, snapping the empty container shut with a smile. "Glad there was no fuss. I'll be heading back to the lab," she announced, adjusting her glasses. "The professor is expecting you later today, but have fun with your new Pokemon! They'll be excited to finally battle."

"Thanks so much!" the trio chorused, the woman waving a farewell as she disappeared into the long grass.

"Well, our first Pokemon..." Matt murmured. "Should we head to see the professor now?"

"Sure!" Aimee replied. Without hesitation, a sly grin crossed her face. "Right after we battle!"

"W-What!?" Matt responded a little too late, right as Totodile's jaw latched onto his Chikorita.

"C-Chiko!" the leaf Pokemon cried, slapping Totodile off with its leaf.

"Let's go Totodile! Use Scratch!" Aimee commanded, who lunged at Chikorita right after and landed a hit with its claw.

"Chikorita, Tackle!" Matt countered. With the water Pokemon knocked to the ground, he immediately followed up with a "Now, Razor Leaf!" Chikorita whirled its leaf a few times, generating a few leaves and firing it quickly in Totodile's direction.

Quickly seeing the threat, Aimee shouted at Totodile to move. It quickly got to its feet and ran frantically in a circle, managing to avoid most of the attack -- however, one leaf landed, and it was enough to knock the water Pokemon out.

"Aww! Well, you did your best," she praised the unconscious Pokemon. "Return!" Caught in a flash of brilliant white light, Totodile disappeared back into its Pokeball. Matt reached down to pet Chikorita's head, an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sorry, she gets excited. But good job!" Chikorita beamed at Matt and raised one leg. "Chiko!"

"Don't leave me out, you guys," Marc said, standing above Matt and Chikorita.

"You too? Let's go Chikorita, one more!" Matt ran a distance away from Marc and turned to him, his Pokemon right beside him. Marc stood facing them, Cyndaquil at his side.

"Ready?" Marc asked.

"Ready!" Matt yelled, pointing forward. "Chikorita, Tackle!" His Pokemon charged Cyndaquil at full speed.

"Not so fast!" Marc countered immediately. "Smokescreen!" Cyndaquil launched a charred, black mass that hit Chikorita, creating a dark cloud on impact. The grass-type continued to charge but didn't realize that Cyndaquil had moved aside. "Now, Ember!" Marc commanded. Cyndaquil's back flared up with flames as it spit some of its own fire at Chikorita, hitting it directly.

"Agh, go Chikorita!" Matt yelled. "Tackle again!" The Pokemon moved to get up but was met with an immediate tackle from Cyndaquil, which knocked it out.

"Dang, Marc, Cyndaquil's quick... Nice job!" Matt sighed a bit, then smiled as he returned Chikorita to its Pokeball afterward. Marc also returned his Pokemon after giving the fire-type a congratulatory pat on the head. "There's a Pokemon Center in Geodale Town," Matt started. "Shall we heal up there?"

"Sure!" the other two replied, regrouping as they walked north of their hometown, Coalfall, towards Route One. Their next destination: Geodale Town and the Professor's Lab.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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