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I woke up as usual on a school day. I tumbled out of bed at 6:00 a.m. And ate the eggs and bacon that my mother prepared for me. I got dressed in my usual Mason style; a pair of jeans, any clean t-shirt, and my supposed-to-be-black-but-are-actually-green converse. I don't worry about my hair that much and put it in a tight ponytail. The last day of being a middle schooler, finally moving on to being a freshman! The excitement is overwhelming. Leaving school, only to come back to school.
I arrived at school, five minutes early and sat down in my seat. No one was in the class except for me and another girl, who's name I don't know, despite being in the same class for a whole school year.
Once the bell rings for class to start, about 20 student enter the class followed by my teacher. Since it's the last day of school, I have
no interest in doing anything, so I took out my sketchbook from my backpack. I begin to doodle a very handsome looking man, wishing I could pull him out of my sketchbook and bring him to life. As I was about to picture my future with this imaginary man, my teacher spoke loudly and asked for everyone's attention.
" Okay, since it's the last day I see you, let's take the quiz!" Ms.Mac exclaims.
The class groans in unison, clearly annoyed with her, ready to leave her class.
"Okay. Okay. Tough crowd. Right Mason?" She looks at me and smiles, waiting for me to confirm, but I don't.
As to not make anything more awkward, she moves on and tells us to be quiet and do anything we'd like to do. I smile to myself and continue to draw in my sketchbook. As I get more and more engulfed in my drawing, I feel the metal basket under my desk collide with the back of my ankle. The pain shoots through my body and I bite my lip in order to hold in my already forming tears.
My head shoots back to come face to face with the criminal, which is none other than Oh Sehun! The one that's known for having major daddy issues and being a huge pot head. I don't expect an apology and I don't get one. Instead I get a strong fit of laughter from him and his friends. And as expected from me, I don't say anything. I keep the horrid things I'm thinking in my head. That was our introduction, no words shared. I wish it had stayed that way.

Annyeong everyone! This is my new story monster. And for all of those wondering, this is not the new demon. Demon and monster are different stories. Unlike demon, monster will have scheduled updates. Every Monday, a new chapter of monster will be posted. This story is based on my life so I hope I deliver my personal story well. Some parts will be made up and some will be true, you'll never know which is which lol. I hope you will all support. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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